October 24, 2021

The letter to the Hebrews

Passage: Psalm 34:1–8, &19–22; Hebrews 7:23–28
Service Type:



October  24   2021





  • St Andrew's welcomes you to this worship service, may it be a blessing to all.  We also thank Rev. Shirley Cochrane for leading and guiding our worship and praise of God this hour.
  • October's Loonie offering is designated to St. Andrew's Hall lunch program that provides meals to students on the campus of UBC Vancouver.
  • We continue to pray for a speedy treatment, recovery, and healing for Rev. Ena van Zoeren. May the Spirit of the lord sustain and keep you through out the days ahead Ena.



Praise the Lord in every time and place.

We will speak God’s praises constantly.

Boast only in the Lord.

We will praise God’s wonderful deeds.

Spread the news of God’s greatness.

We will give God glory everywhere we go.

let us worship God together this day!


HYMN               411  Stand up and praise the Lord


  1. Stand up and bless the Lord;
    God's people now rejoice;
    stand up and bless the Lord your God
    with heart and soul and voice.
  2. Though high above all praise,
    above all blessing high,
    who would not fear God's holy name,
    and praise and magnify?
  3. Oh for the living flame
    from God's own altar brought,
    to touch our lips, our minds inspire,
    and wing to heaven our thought.
  4. God is our strength and song;
    now is salvation ours.
    God's love in Christ we now proclaim
    with all our ransomed powers.
  5. Stand up and bless the Lord;
    the Lord your God adore;
    stand up and bless God's glorious name
    henceforth forevermore.


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O Lord our God, you hear the voice of those who cry out to you and you respond with love. You reach out to us when others have turned away. You offer us compassion when others dismiss our worth. You heal us when we thought we were beyond repair. Your amazing love transforms our lives over and over again, and so, we offer you our humble praise in the name of Jesus, your love made flesh. Receive our gratitude in this time of worship, as we join with your whole creation to bring you honour and glory, now and always. Amen.



Lord of love and mercy, we worship you as the source of every good and perfect gift, but we confess our gifts to you are less than perfect.

We honour you when it fits into our schedules,

not so much when we have other things to do.

We forget that your love should set our priorities,

and pursue our own desires instead.

In your loving-kindness, forgive our wavering hearts

and reawaken our commitment to you.



Friends, we are promised that those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. Claim your hope in this good news: God’s perfect love abides in you through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thanks be to God for such great mercy.





HYMN      375  Fairest Lord Jesus


Fairest Lord Jesus, Lord of all creation

Jesus of God and Mary the Son

Thee will I cherish, thee will I honour,

O thou my soul’s delight and crown.


Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodland

Robed in the verdure and bloom of spring

Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer.

He makes the  saddest heart to sing


Fair is the sunshine, fairer still the moonlight

Fair is the shimmering starry sky;

Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines  clearer

Than all  the heavenly host on high.


All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly

Wondrously Jesus is found in thee;

None can be nearer, fairer or  dearer

Than thou , my Saviour are to me.

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Psalm 34:1–8, &19–22

I will extol the Lord at all times;
his praise will always be on my lips.
I will glory in the Lord;
let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
Glorify the Lord with me;
let us exalt his name together.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
he delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant;
their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor man called, and the Lord heard him;
he saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them.

Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.


19 The righteous person may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
20 he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.

21 Evil will slay the wicked;
the foes of the righteous will be condemned.
22 The Lord will rescue his servants;
no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.


Hebrews 7:23–28

23 Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; 24 but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood. 25 Therefore he is able to save completely[a] those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.

26 Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. 27 Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself. 28 For the law appoints as high priests men in all their weakness; but the oath, which came after the law, appointed the Son, who has been made perfect forever.



May the words of my mouth and the meditation of all out hearts be acceptable in your  sight  our Rock and our Redeemer Amen


One day as I concluded a chaplaincy visit at the hospital in Grande Prairie, a young fellow entered the elevator I was in. Noticing my clerical collar , he cheerfully said  “Hello Father !  immediately turned rather red faced and said “ Umm- Mother ??- “  Frowning  he then questioned  “ Oh - you are a priest? -what do I call you ?  “   I replied “Yes I am a priest  - or minister  -  you could call me pastor  or reverend . At this point the elevator door opened to admit another person   and without another word, he beat a hasty retreat into the hallway .


The fact that  names have meaning, and that the Holy Spirit explains the meaning shows that each word is important and inspired by God.


When looking at the lectionary readings, I thought to myself  - gosh I have never – to my recollection -  considered  or talked about Hebrews. So its about time I did  !  Perhaps you remember  in our first look  at this  biblical book  several weeks ago, I said there has  never  been any agreement  on who the author may have been,  nor  to whom this letter was  written. It’s great theme  is reassuring  those who had turned from their Jewish faith and traditions  to follow Christ.


In todays scripture the writer to the Hebrews explains a theme that he introduced back in chapter 2 : Jesus as our High Priest.. He continues  to discuss this particular  issue in Hebrews chapter 5:, but then goes on another tangent spending  some time warning these discouraged Christians about the danger of not continuing and progressing in their Christian life.


We do not know for sure what concern the author of Hebrews is addressing among his audience, but he clearly desires to establish the biblical warrant for the high priesthood of Jesus in Hebrews chapters 4:11  through –10:25. Thus we are into text beyond just the lectionary listing today .To do this he uses references to Melchizedek, a priest-king mentioned in Greek versions of Psalm 110:4 as well as Genesis 14. Melchisedek is a mysterious one -briefly mentioned -  without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God,  who remains a priest continually. Though virtually all the commentators disagree with each other on this point, some think that  means that Melchizedek was a heavenly being, if not a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Himself.  Jesus’ priesthood does remain to this day, and into eternity.


History shows the danger of combining religious and civic authority. Therefore God did not allow the kings of Israel to be priests and the priests to be kings. Melchizedek, who was the king of Salem and priest of the Most High God was an unique exception.  Melchizedek was not merely a worshipper of the true God. He had the honored title priest of the Most High God

The name Melchizedek means king of righteousness,” and he was also king of peace” (because the name Salem means “peace”). The order is subtle but important. As always, righteousness comes before peace. Righteousness is the only true path to peace.  Melchizedek blessed Abraham, and Abraham gave Melchizedek a tithe, a tenth part of the spoils of battle, as mentioned in Genesis 14:20. This shows Melchizedek is in a position of authority over Abraham and his descendant Levi. Christ came in the likeness of Melchizedek. The earthly parents of Jesus are recorded. Mary and Joseph as we all know; were the parents of Jesus. However in Revelation 1:18 it is recorded that Jesus has no beginning or ending.  Jesus’ priesthood is not based upon law or heredity but upon the power of God’s endless life.

In the very beginning  priests were the men designated to look after God’s tent of meeting . As rituals and worship evolved, the sons of Arron were designated to perform sacrifices before God and lead in worship on behalf of the people.  The men of the  tribe of Levi were designated to look after the  Tent of meeting -  the place where people believed  God resided.


The Old Testament priesthood is the priesthood associated with the Law of Moses.  Although the law performed a valuable function, its essential weakness was that it could not give life and vitality even to those who kept it, let alone to those who did not. In fact its function was not to provide strength, but to provide a standard by which man could measure his own moral status. Its uselessness must not be regarded in the sense of being totally worthless, but in the sense of being ineffective in providing a constant means of approach to God. The law in itself could not make anyone perfect, all it did was show to the world that they needed a savior.


There were many Levitical priests because every one would die and leave an ongoing need (7:23). Their work never ceased. How could it? Their offerings took place daily, weekly, and yearly, and those offerings weren’t retroactive. In other words, new sin required new offerings.

But this is not to say that no one outside that lineage had ever served as a priest. In fact, at this point in history, many non-Levitical priests had been installed. The Jewish temple had been co-opted by political leaders, and the sanctity of that space had been compromised. The people of God hoped that proper worship might be restored, but they might wonder: how could that happen with yet another priest who wasn’t a Levite?

Jesus was descended from the line of Judah (Hebrews 7:16), but according to Torah ,the Jewish law, to be a priest you had to be from the line of Levi. Further, to be a high priest, you had to be a son of Aaron  and be the one selected (Leviticus 21:10).

The author then goes on to describe the character of this priest. He is “holy, blameless, and undefiled, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens” (7:26). Each description shows why he is a “fitting” priest. The Law assumes that priests will become ritually impure and that they will sin ( Leviticus 16:6). Jesus has no need to make an offering on his own behalf (7:27) since he is “undefiled” (7:26).

Throughout Hebrews 7, the author draws a contrast between the Law and the Oath. The Law established the Levitical priesthood; the Oath established the priesthood of Jesus. In Hebrews 6:13–20, the author teaches his audience about oaths: importantly, they endure. Another point of contrast established throughout this chapter hinges on the author’s concept of “perfection.” Perfection was not possible through the Levitical law (7:11)—in fact, it made nothing perfect (7:19). But the author of Hebrews says that Jesus is “made perfect” (5:9).

To say that Jesus is “made perfect” is not to say that he is at any point “imperfect.” Our typical use of this term - “perfect” -  does not align with how the author is using it. When he refers to Jesus being “perfected,” he most likely refers to Jesus obtaining resurrection life, the human Christ no longer can die. And so, Hebrews 7:23–28 presents to us a perfect priest who lives forever serving as a priest in a perpetual covenant.

Jesus was made High Priest by the direct oath of God. The high priest of the order of Aaron was appointed by heredity, not by personal character or an oath of God. Not so with Jesus -God sealed His choice by His word.

And inasmuch as Jesus  was not made priest without Gods oath (for the Levites became priests without an oath, )but He was confirmed with an oath by Him who said to Him:

“The LORD has sworn And will not relent, ‘You are a priest forever
According to the order of Melchizedek’”),   Psalm 110:4:


As our High Priest he serves now at the altar in heaven. We need him as our High Priest for a good many reasons.  The author  tells us in this chapter that we need him to help us draw near to God. We can’t attain perfection by following the law. We can’t attain perfection through the help of priests— that is, through those whose role and function is to intercede for us. It just isn’t enough. The Law is more than any human being can live by, and priests are imperfect themselves. So God appointed a High Priest for us who will  help us draw near to God. Our Savior Jesus— the Son of God. In him and through him God gives us a better hope.  This hope is sure because it came with an oath. And because of this hope, the author tells us that Jesus became the guarantee of a better covenant.

That is why Jesus’ permanent priesthood is essential and critical. Because Jesus lives forever, he is also priest forever and cannot and will not be changed.  He needs no succession plan and no descendants. He is a one-person priesthood. Further, since he remains alive, he is always able to intercede on our behalf (7:25). Intercession here probably refers primarily to his prayers on our behalf to God, but these prayers are accompanied by the offering of his own blood on the cross. We needed a priest like this who knows us and intercedes for us always before the throne of God, one who will always be there for us to rely on.

Even though he has no need to offer a sacrifice on his own behalf—because a sacrifice would be of no benefit to him personally—he still chooses to make one. Like the other priests, he dedicates his life (unto death) to serve his brothers and sisters.  This offering is once-for-all.

Jesus’ intercession on our behalf is not simply continually chanting prayers on behalf of His people. It means that He continually represents us before the Father so that we can draw near through Him, and that He defends us against Satan’s accusations and attacks.

the message about the superiority of Jesus’ priesthood is crucial for our faith. We don’t know how faith works, but we know that when we hear the word about Christ, if we’re listening carefully and we take it to heart, faith comes, grows and consequently bears the fruit of life. We need a Savior who meets all our needs, and God gave us One who does. We have no greater need than the need to be delivered from sin and its horrible effects on our lives. We have no greater need than God’s forgiveness and reconciliation with our Father. We have no greater need than that!

Where our sins abound, the grace of our Lord abounds even more. Even if we hit rock bottom in our wretchedness and our failures go deeper yet, God’s mercy to us is ever deeper. The love and grace and power of our Lord Jesus are far more in measure and power than we need— and even more! He saves us completely and to the uttermost. This is our assurance. This is our confidence and joy. This is our faith!  AMEN

HYMN                746   What a friend we have in Jesus


  1. What a friend we have in Jesus,
    all our sins and griefs to bear;
    what a privilege to carry
    every thing to God in prayer.
    Oh what peace we often forfeit,
    oh what needless pain we bear,
    all because we do not carry
    everything to God in prayer.
  2. Have we trials and temptations?
    Is there trouble anywhere?
    We should never be discouraged:
    take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Can we find a friend so faithful,
    who will all our sorrows share?
    Jesus knows our every weakness:
    take it to the Lord in prayer.
  3. Are we weak and heavy laden,
    cumbered with a load of care?
    Precious Saviour, still our refuge:
    take it to the Lord in prayer.
    Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
    Take it to the Lord in prayer;
    in his arms he'll take and shield thee;
    thou wilt find a solace there.

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The scriptures today speak of God’s mercy reversing the suffering of those who turn to God. As we give our gifts to God today, let us remember times when God has given us strength in the face of our challenges, and know that our generosity will help others face theirs, as we reach out in Jesus’ name.



Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him all creatures here below

Praise him above ye heavenly host

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.



Good and gracious God, we bring our offering in gratitude for all that makes our lives good, even in uncertain times. Bless these gifts with your Spirit and use them through the ministry and mission of our church to touch lives in need of your goodness, in Jesus’ name. Amen.




God of life, You open our eyes on the world you love and show us your presence and purpose all around us. We see the beauty and wonder of your creation in autumn changes, and in gifts of love and compassion offered through friend and stranger. For these many gifts, we give you thanks.

We pray for those who cannot recognize these gifts in their lives

and find themselves lost and alone.     (Keep a brief silence)


Open their eyes to your presence through our companionship

and our eyes for opportunities to reach out with understanding.

God, in your mercy,  Hear our prayer.


God of justice, You open our eyes on the world and show us struggle and conflict. We see the stressful times in which we live and the burdens many are carrying; Today, we pray for those whose businesses are still struggling as the pandemic stretches on; For producers unsure their harvests will be sufficient this season; For workers uncertain about their jobs or looking for new work; And for families carrying the stress of economic uncertainty.

(Keep a brief silence)


Open their eyes to new possibilities and open our eyes to ways we can support them.    God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


God of compassion, You open our eyes on the world and show us suffering and despair. We see the challenges for health care across our country and around the world. We pray for Medical Centers ,Clinics, and Hospitals; for  nurses, doctors, hospital staff and home-care workers, so weary and worried,

for those facing acute or chronic illness, and delays in needed treatments,

and for communities struggling with COVID-19, overdose deaths and mental health challenges.  (Keep a brief silence)


Give strength and compassion to all who offer treatment and courage and hope to all who wait for healing. Open their eyes to your mercy and open our eyes to needs we can meet.  God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


God of wisdom, You open our eyes on the world and show us its complexities. We see countries locked in old animosities and communities overwhelmed by anger and upheaval. We pray for the millions displaced by current conflicts and natural disasters and for leaders everywhere, trying to find solutions to complex problems.  (Keep a brief silence)


Open the eyes of those who lead to recognize the suffering among their peoples, and open our eyes to ways we can participate in solutions.

God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


Loving healer  we lift to you the concerns of our hearts  We pray for …………………………….


God of hope, we offer you our prayers, longing for your peace and promise to break into the lives we care about, for the sake of Jesus Christ who taught us to pray together:



Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name,  thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


HYMN      274  Crown him with many crowns


  1. Crown him with many crowns,
    the Lamb upon the throne:
    hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns
    all music but its own!
    Awake, my soul, and sing
    of him who died to be
    your Saviour and your matchless King
    through all eternity.
  2. Crown him the Son of God,
    before the worlds began;
    let all who tread where he has trod,
    crown him the Son of Man,
    who every grief has known
    that wrings the human breast,
    and takes and bears them for his own,
    that all in him may rest.
  3. Crown him the Lord of life,
    who triumphed o'er the grave,
    and rose victorious in the strife
    for those he came to save.
    His glories now we sing
    who died and rose on high,
    who died eternal life to bring,
    and lives that death may die.
  4. Crown him the Lord of peace
    whose kingdom is at hand;
    from pole to pole let warfare cease
    and Christ rule eve ry land!
    A city stands on high;
    Christ's glory it displays,
    and there the nations 'Holy' cry
    in joyful hymns of praise.
  5. Crown him the Lord of years,
    the Source, the End of time,
    Creator of the rolling spheres
    in majesty sublime.
    All hail, Redeemer, hail,
    for you have died for me;
    your praise shall never, never fail
    through all eternity!

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May God who shakes heaven and earth  who lives to  both disturb and heal us  bless you with the power to go out  beyond these walls and proclaim the gospel  The grace of God, the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit  be with you.




May the peace of Christ go with you; And also with you

May the peace of Christ go with you  In all you do    (X2)

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