November 26, 2023

Called to the Glorious Inheritance

Passage: Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24; Ephesians 1: 15-23
Service Type:


November 26, 2023 Christ the King  Sunday

Lighting the Christ Candle 

Welcome and Announcements 

Please sign up for Advent Candle Lighting liturgies 

Dec 3 Advent Communion/ potluck Sunday
Dec 24 11 am, Christmas Eve Service 

Called to Worship:
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
2     Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his[a];
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.  

4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.
Psalm 100 NIV 


Hymn:  350 To God be the glory


Prayer of Adoration 

Tender, comforting Shepherd, your steadfast love is present in this place
and resides within each of us.  In this time of worship, help us to open ourselves to your love.
Help us know your loving presence as we live as your gathered community.
Enlighten our hearts, that we may know the hope to which we have been called.  

Powerful, triumphant King, your grace and power are always before us, reminding us that you fill our lives with grace and mercy.  Help us to know your power to be agents of mercy in your world.  Encourage our efforts that we may know the fullness of the inheritance to which we have been called.  Hear our confession that we may grow into your grace:   

Prayer of Confession:  Unison 

Holy One, we are like sheep that stray from your fold.  We are the perpetually hungry, ever in spiritual need, and at times in physical want.  We are the strangers, separated from others and even from ourselves.

Hear us now as we confess our brokenness
and our need. We have ignored these needs in ourselves and others. We have ignored the opportunities you have given us to serve Christ. Forgive us, O God. Forgive us and heal our wounds.  May the hope of the Reign of Christ can be living so that we can be part of this glorious kingdom of peace and compassion. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN. .  

Assurance of Pardon
In Christ, we have been marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit.   All that we have and all that we are is held in Jesus and perfected in the Spirit.  Hear the good news:  We have been forgiven, not just for today, but for all eternity.  Glory be to our amazing God.  Amen. 


The Peace 

Passing the Peace 

Hymn:  363 All hail the power of Jesus name


Ezekiel 34:  11-16, 20-24 p. 1341
Ephesians 1: 15-23  p. 1818 

Sermon:  Called to the Glorious Inheritance 

Today is Christ the King Sunday, and we have an expectation that today we will focus on Jesus as the King, and what that means for the Church now and in the future.  We expect to look at the glorious inheritance God has given to Jesus.    

We may even expect that the Scriptures would talk about the wholeness of what Jesus has inherited, the earth and all upon it, and how he would reestablish at his coming again in glory. 


It is a natural expectation to have.   

After all we have followed Jesus from his birth in a stable to his death on the cross.  We have witnessed his struggle to teach the disciples what it means to be his follower.  We have witnessed the joy of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday, and the promise of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.   

Jesus has worked hard to redeem the earth and its people.  He has given up everything he had in order to complete this ministry. 

  His place in heaven.   

His equality with God.   

His heavenly powers.   

Even his life.   

So, when we envision the celebration of this day, we see a party in heaven, jewels, accolades, throne, the honour guard of lions, wealth beyond imagining, as well as angels and cherubim and seraphim singing constant praises.    

Jesus has, without a doubt, earned everything that is coming to him, and we want to celebrate the glorious inheritance that he has been given because of what he has done.   

But today the Scriptures have spoken of what God wants to do for his people and what God wants to give to his people.   


So, today we think about inheritance in a whole new way. 

On earth, for most of us, inheritance is a pretty simple thing.  Everything equally divided between the children.  If one child dies before the parents then their share is split with any of their children.  If they had no children, then that share is equally divided with the remaining siblings.   

So why would we expect the heavenly inheritance to be any different? 

That’s something to ponder, isn’t it? 

We see the first hints that God is planning to give all that he has to his people through the words he gives the prophets.   

 As often as the people stumble and fail, God prevails.   

As often as their sin carries the people into exile, God arranges a spectacular homecoming.   

The reading from Ezekiel is an example of just such a promise being given by God.  Ezekiel speaks of coming home to Jerusalem to those who are in exile.   

The people are grief-stricken.  Their grief is so huge that they cannot bear even to sing the songs of their faith.  They have lost their hope, and they believe that God has abandoned them. 


Ezekiel is clear that God has not abandoned them.   

The faithlessness of the leaders, both political and religious, has brought about this tragic series of events, but Ezekiel reminds them that there is an Exodus coming. 

The commentator, Jenstra, says that we would think that being reminded of that difficult journey through the desert would further demoralize the people, but instead, for them,  it was a strong reminder of God’s immense grace.   


The God who brought them out of Egypt and into the promised land, will again bring them out of exile and return them to their promised home, a place where they will once again live in peace with each other and with God. 


They are reminded that the Exodus was not an easy journey, and this exodus will also be difficult.  What is also notable is that this is a promised exodus, it is still in the future.  For them, as well as for us. 

We often acknowledge that this earth is not our home; and we know that our real home is ready and waiting for us.   We also know that this journey is not to be made by us now.  At our death, we will go home, or at the second coming of Jesus we will be taken home, but it is a not now.   

Not now?   

Or already ours? 


There is a lot in the Ephesians passage that reminds us that we are already called to the glorious inheritance we have been given in Christ.  Jesus does not keep it for himself—he gives it to us. 

All those things that we envision, everything that Jesus has earned, is given to us by him.  He shares everything with us.   

All we need are the eyes to see, and the heart to believe. 


The commentator Doug Bratt says that we are a people who can see and understand what is going on around us.   

We don’t need the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the conflict and danger in which we live. 

Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, atmospheric rivers, out of control fire seasons and global warming. 

A fentanyl crisis, pandemics that continue to affect our health and economy. 

Wars, political turmoil, inflation, unemployment, homelessness. 

Broken families, communities, and congregations. 

A lack of civility in the world.  Radicalized thinking.  A growth in extreme nationalism and fascism, and increased racism. 

This list grows longer and longer. 

We may even be alarmed that this speaks of the end times.  Or rejoice that this means the end times.   

Do we remember though, that Bratt said we don’t need the Holy Spirit to see what is happening in the world around us.  But, we do need the Holy Spirit to be able to understand what is happening, and how God is with us in the unfolding of the difficulties around us. 

Scott Hoezee writes that our perceptions don’t always work to help us to see in the Spirit.  But with the Spirit we see all things differently.  

This new sight is but a small part of our inheritance.  

Paul writes to the Ephesians to remind them that the Holy Spirit is necessary in order to see the world and our place in it correctly.  This is what he says: 

When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory. (NIV) 


No matter what happens in this world, or in our lives, we have the Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of our inheritance; reminding us of what we have in Jesus, until that day when we stand before the throne of God and understand fully what our share of the glorious inheritance has meant on earth, and for all eternity. 

The celebration of Jesus as King is rightly the celebration of everything that is already ours because of his mercy.   So how do we see, understand and celebrate all that is ours? 


That is why we need to rely on the Holy Spirit, who teaches us, shows us, and reminds us, that we belong to God and that everything that belongs to God, is already ours.   

When we remember whose we are, then it is the Holy Spirit showing us who God really is.  The longer we walk with the Holy Spirit as our guide, the more we realize that we don’t know everything we need to know about God; but day by day we will learn more. 

A big part of coming to know God better is also coming to know who we are in God’s eyes.  Too often we believe the lie that we are not worthy.  We stumble, and we put ourselves down for what happened.  But when we remember who we belong to, then we learn to see ourselves as he sees us. 

Those of us who have been parents realize this.  When our children struggled and failed, and then spoke in defeat about not being good enough or not knowing enough to do these things, we knew better.  We reminded them that failure is part of the process and that they just need to keep trying and in time, with patience and practice, they will “get it”. 

If we as parents can be that kind of encouragement to our children, how much more so the Holy Spirit, who guarantees our inheritance, will show us again and again who we really are. 

More than that, the Spirit helps us to see the future with hope.  Yeah, we might be in exile, but the promised land is ready and waiting for the day that God makes a highway in the desert for us. 

Paul writes that the Spirit shows us the hope to which we have been called.  We are reminded of the hope of who Christ is for us and with us.  The Spirit directs us so that we have confidence to be followers who are sure that God will have the last word, in our lives, in this world and through all eternity.   

The Spirit will reveal the riches that belong to us in glory.  He reminds us that the glorious inheritance belongs to the saints.  That’s you and me.   

Paul reminds us that this inheritance is our NOW.  This inheritance includes the abiding presence of Christ with us here and now. 

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit we are on a journey of transformation.  Our transformation is how Christ Jesus grows stronger and stronger in us. 

But we are also reminded that when we stumble, and when we fail, that all that he has is still ours.  Jesus has been appointed the head of the Church, not just for those who actively believe in him; but also for the sake of those who resist his rule. 

He is the King for the sake of all people; and he gives us everything so that we may flourish in service and mission—just as he flourished in service and mission.   

So, we need to learn to see what the Holy Spirit is showing us in the world around us and in our relationship with Jesus.  Hoezee says that it is a matter of paying attention. 

When we follow the Spirit he reveals God’s way to us, and we then learn to live by watching very carefully for God’s work in our world.  No matter how bad things look to our earthly eyes, when we listen and watch carefully we will see where God is active in the world. 

We learn to look for signs of God’s power.  We notice when his grace and mercy helps to bring change around us.  We begin to see where God’s faithfulness is active.   

Our spiritual awareness shows us things we would never be able to see with our own eyes. 

We learn that the way we see things is not necessarily the way God is arranging things.  We learn trust and patience.  We learn to walk with joy in difficulty.  We learn to share, even our poverty.   

Above all when we walk with the Spirit as our guide, we recognize God in how we live and move and have our being. Then, when we see God working in us and through us, we begin to see just how powerful and rich our inheritance is. 

Then we will also see that like Jesus we are called to share the glorious inheritance.  And we will also learn that the more we give away, the more we have to give. 

There is no limit on the inheritance we have been given.  No limits at all.   Amen 



Hymn:  352 And can it be that I should gain


Offering and Offertory 

Today we acknowledge that we are both giver and receiver. Even as we have lavishly received from God, so now may we generously give, sharing our inheritance as Christ Jesus has shared his.  Your offering will now be presented.
Doxology 830

Offertory Prayer 



Gathering Prayer Requests
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer 

Amazing God, you have allowed us the privilege all during this year to walk the pathways of hope with Jesus. From your incarnation in Christ at the Nativity to his mission and ministry; from the magnificent lessons about caring and compassion; from his crucifixion and resurrection, we have been blessed to learn from Jesus and have our lives transformed by his redeeming love. Bring the joy of this day into our hearts.  

Flood our lives with your words of hope that our ministries may glow with delight at serving you by serving others. Bless this church as we grow and continue to learn what you would have us do. Cause us to be a haven of peace and hope in this world that is bound in such anger and fear. 

In gratitude we bring you our joys: 










In hope we bring you our concerns 

Angie in Edmonton/ for successful cancer surgery 







With our hearts engaged in your deep peace, we pray for the world 







We thank you for the temporary cease fire and the freedom of hostages out of Gaza and the influx of aid and food and water into Gaza.  May this be a time when trust will be built between Israel and Palestine, that a movement to lasting peace may be possible. 



Faithful Comforter, we have heard your word of power and blessing. May it give us a spirit of wisdom, that our eyes and hearts may be opened, and that we may know the hope to which we have been called. 

Trusting in all that you have given to us, we join Jesus in prayer, saying:   

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever.  Amen 



Hymn:  371 Love divine, all loves excelling

Charge and Benediction 

Come, you who are blessed!  Inherit all that is prepared for you!
Let us  leave this sacred space to claim the riches and glorious inheritance
that are ours through Christ.  Let us go out into the world to share these  blessings with all in need. Amen. 


Sung Blessing  Go now in Peace.


Go now in peace...never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of every day. Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true. Know He will guide you in all you do. Go now in love, and show you believe. Reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there, watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith, and in love. 3 Fold Amen