November 5, 2023

Exalted in God

Passage: Psalm 43; Matthew 23: 1-12
Service Type:


Nov 5, 2023  Remembrance Day 

Lighting the Christ Candle


Welcome and Announcements
Called to Worship:
How good it is to gather together to praise our God!
It is a joyous thing to sing and speak God’s praises!
Let your hearts be glad and your spirits rejoice!
May we with joy and thanksgiving, give our attention to God’s word and love for us.  

Hymn:  623 Holy, Holy, God Almighty Lord

Online: Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty


Prayer of Adoration 

Spirit of the living God, though we are many, we have come together with one purpose:  to worship you with scripture and song as we lay our hearts before you.  We are grateful that we are members of one another, here and around the world.  May your presence be among us in this holy time, and strengthen us to be your agents of love and peace, justice and joy through the whole world.  Amen 


Prayer of Confession:  Unison
Jesus, teacher and Lord, when we hear your criticism of the behaviour of the scribes and the Pharisees in the gospel today, we wonder what has changed.  People still place  unwarranted burdens on others, still demand preferential treatment, still abuse positions of leadership.  We are ashamed to confess that this does not only happen in society at large, it happens also within the church and in us.  Forgive us when we care more for impressive outward appearances rather than inner dispositions shaped by tolerance and love.  Renew and refresh us with your gentle and selfless Spirit, Lord, so that we know what it is to be your followers not only in name, but in reality.   Amen 

Assurance of Pardon 

There is no chasm that cannot be bridged, no loss that cannot be recovered, no mistake that cannot be forgiven, no life that cannot be redeemed 

The Peace
Passing the Peace 

Hymn:  321 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty





A Time of Remembrance
On this day of Remembrance we gather
On this day when the guns once fell silent.
On this day of hope in the face of terror,
On this day of sorrow because wars and ancient quarrels still dominate in countries around the world
We come before you God, praying with all our hearts:  Help us to find the path that leads to the Peaceable kingdom.  Open our eyes and the eyes of the nations to find a different path through the disagreements of life in this world.  Make us all seekers of justice, true justice that will lead to a lasting peace. 
On this day we recommit ourselves to serving the cause of Justice and Peace, and so we echo the old prayers,
Make us channels of your peace.  Let there be Peace on Earth and let it begin with us! 
The things, Good Lord that we pray for
Give us the grace to labour for. 

800  O Canada


The Laying of Wreaths 

Prayer for Peace 

Father, even when things seem hopeless, we know that through You we are never without hope. We beg Your intervention for a world that turns again and again to war and violence as a means of achieving security.  Show us your better way.   Beat the swords into plowshares and cause the lion to lie down with the lamb. Intervene in this world that they might avoid the horrors of war and let peace and justice rule in all lands. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. 


An Act of Remembrance 

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.  

We will remember them


Psalm 43 p 882
Matthew 23: 1-12  1536 


Sermon:  Exalted in God 

One of those things that I don’t understand is net-working, where you spend time at social, or even working events, working at impressing people that you know and don’t know in the hope of promoting yourself and your project.   

I would much rather spend time with people that I enjoy being with, and with whom I share my passion for the work that we all do. 


When people are recognized and honoured because of their self-promotion I wonder, is it an honour that will last? 

Sometimes I look at the things that I have contributed to the church and community and wish I could be honoured for what I have done.  Wouldn’t it be nice to best help line volunteer, or be woman of the year?  Maybe.  To tell the truth, that desire doesn’t last long, because really what I hope is that the things that I do are the ways in which people can see Jesus.  What I do, I do for the people and they more than thank me enough. 

So, as I think about the honours I have received, the one that still makes me cry with joy is the plaque I received when I was sick.  One of the congregations I had worked with in Calgary were seeking a way to help friends and relatives who had been in refugee camps for decades.  I brought a friend along and together we taught them how to go about sponsoring a refugee.  They are now sponsoring their third refugee family.  I gave a gift that established a legacy of sorts.  I find that very humbling.  

Some leaders of that congregation came to visit me when I was sick.  They wanted to tell me about the ongoing work they are doing in refugee sponsorship and they gave me a plaque, which simply says to Rev. Ena from the Anyuak congregation and the words:  God bless you, God bless you, God bless you. 

There really is no greater honour than to be loved and blessed by your fellow labourers and by God. 


Today we read the account of Jesus teaching his disciples about what kind of honour to seek.  Not the honour that the Pharisees seek, that includes all the best seats at the best dinner parties.  Not the honour that comes from only helping those people who can help you in return.  Self-promotion, and self-exaltation does not bring any lasting joy.   

Jesus warned the disciples about following the actions of the Pharisees who teach about God, and who work at looking important.  His comment on large phylacteries and long fringes refers to the symbols of faith.  The pharisees were known for large phylacteries on the forehead, a box that symbolizes scriptural knowledge, bigger box, more knowledge.  The fringes are worn on clothes or prayer shawls.  Long ones suggest more prayer. 

I would guess its like wearing a  cross.  Most of us don’t wear it for show, but rather for personal piety.   

The only reliable sign of faith is the work and labour and devotion that flows from our hearts.   

Or as Jesus taught his disciples at the Last Supper, those who are exalted in God’s kingdom are the one’s who are servants of one another, like he was by washing their feet.  More importantly, his servanthood was seen on the cross.  Servanthood includes a large array of things that might be asked of us.  The important thing is to learn what God asks of us and then to do it.  We may not all be called to die on the cross or to wash feet; but we are all called to love one another with grace and mercy and kindness. 

Yet, the church, like the Pharisees, are prone to seeking those things that can make us seem important.   

I recall being asked to read the session minutes of a congregation having a significant anniversary.  The names of the elders were notable even years later.  Some had also been members of city council and there were streets and schools named after many of them.   Named after them?  Or given their own names by them? 

I have also seen the controversy as concerned people have demanded that the names of some of those streets and schools be changed because of the discoveries about the character and behaviour of those people.     

Maybe it really is better to only look to do the best we can, with the gifts we have been given, and trust God to bring us the honour and exaltation.     

That being said, sometimes those honours are a recognition of a life humbly lived in service and contribution to the community. 

Here is Salmon Arm we recently named a bridge in honour of Dr. Mary Thomas.  I learned about her when I first moved here and the only radio station I could get was “The voice of the Shuswap”.  They continually played and replayed some of her public lectures.  She spoke with grace and you got the sense that she was honoured to share her knowledge of local flora and fauna and how they have been important for food and for healing in her culture.   

Over the years I have heard people speak of her with reverence and appreciation.  To have her name on the bridge is a good recognition.   

In the human world of honour giving, we sometimes get it right, but we realize that we can and do make mistakes in whom we honour.   

In the heavenly realm of exalting the humble, God never makes a mistake in those whom he chooses to exalt.   

Those whom God exalts are those who rely on his Word for their daily living and for the ways that Word informs the activity through which they bring God’s love and grace into the world.   

When we rely on God’s Word, then we demonstrate that we are humble learners of God’s way.  When we rely on God’s word then we demonstrate God’s grace in our actions and words.  Most of all we do not shy away from accountability for our words and actions, because we trust that the Holy Spirit will work through us in all ways.   

Our exaltation is the joy and gratitude we know that a person has been touched by God’s grace through us.  When we touch a person in a way that brings them reassurance, joy, peace, and love and leave God’s fingerprints on their hearts it makes us feel that we have a purpose. 

Lately the things that I have been reading talk about the things that bring us real joy.  None of those things are from externals.  Not a big house.  A huge diamond.  Not any of the things that a lot of people think will make them happy.  What these authors are saying should come as no surprise.  They remind us that people find joy in having a purpose.  People need to know that they make a difference in this world and in people’s lives.  And they always point out that this purpose comes from God.   

When we are living the way that God asks us to live then he rewards us with joy.  That joy will be in our hearts to stay. 

Those things that stay in our hearts are the permanent gifts of the ways in which God exalts us.   That exaltation is seen as we grow more and more Christ-like and less and less self-involved.  My favorite example of that is Jean Kirker. 

She was an elderly woman who lived in what should have been a condemned home, and all efforts to bring her into a safer living situation was firmly refused as she had all she needed.  In fact, she could frequently be found sharing what little she did have with others.  She was renowned for giving things away. 

When I wrote of her generous spirit in a remembrance to be read at her funeral I said that upon her arrival in glory, God said well done good and faithful servant and gave her a crown utterly festooned with jewels and then she promptly walked off to find someone to whom she could give the crown.  

Truly I believe that our exaltation is like our blessing.  It is not ours to keep. 

We are blessed to be a blessing and we are exalted to be servants. The gifts of God are always meant for sharing, for the good of others and the restoration of the earth.  None of it is for us, we already have everything that we need. 



Hymn:  611 For all the saints, v. 1,2,4,6, 7


Offering and Offertory
Doxology 830

Offertory Prayer 

God who with us each day offering so many blessings we thank you that we can bring these gifts in an attitude of praise and thanksgiving. O Lord, bless these gifts and the lives that these gifts represent. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN. 



Gathering Prayer Requests
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer 

Our gracious, eternal God, we thank you that Jesus’ call to his disciples came in such an uneventful way.  Contrary to the wisdom of the world he did not start with the privileged and the wealthy and the powerful.  He did not begin with those who had little need and little desire for change. He began with some very simple folk. He began with some fishermen.

We pray that his call, “Come, follow me,” might again reverberate through our souls today.

May we hear again the challenge to be your disciples.
May we hear again the message of this one who brings good news.
May we hear again the invitation to come to you, “all you who are weary and heavy laden.”
May we hear again those simple words:  “Come, follow me,” and may we come, just as we are, and know again  the depth of  your grace and love for us. 



Grateful that aid is coming into Gaza
grateful that people are leaving Gaza and able to return home 




Give us the power to bring change and transformation to the peoples of the world. Give us the power to provide hope for the world-weary as they brought to theirs.   

In prayer our eyes are drawn to see those in need of love in our community, both here in church and in the town and regional district. 


Mayor other congregations   aid services   





Help to be willing to offer friendship and accept the opportunities to grow in knowledge and experience. 

Our eyes are drawn to places of power and leadership as we look for those who govern to offer leadership in difficult times. 


Israel, Gaza and the middle east 

Ukraine facing yet another winter 

UN and leaders of all countries to work for justice/peace



Empower  us through the activity of Your Spirit in prayer and with action to be part of a creation where all are treated according to your mercy.   

Oh God, in whose hands are life, death and eternal life, we thank you for all the saints, all those who have been baptized in the spirit and whom you have justified by grace and faith.  We rejoice that their faithfulness has paved the way for our lives to follow.  Thank you for the small and large saints who served this congregation and whose presence and influence is still felt among us.  Also for those who have served the community in various ways making this a better place for all.  Those who served in war and peace-keeping missions doing their part for peace and justice.   

God of Jesus and our God, mindful of all those choice souls who have gone on ahead of us, teach us, and each twenty-first century disciple of every race and place, 

  •          to follow their example to the best of our ability:
  •          to feed the poor in body or spirit,
  •          to support and comfort the mourners and the repentant,
  •          to encourage the meek and stand with them in crises,
  •          to affirm those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
  •          to cherish and learn from the merciful,
  •          to be humbled by, and stand with, the peacemakers.

And now we humbly join Jesus in prayer, saying as he taught us:   Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever.  Amen 



Hymn:  330 O God our help in ages past


Charge and Benediction 

Go from this place in confidence that the God of Justice is with you. Go boldly into the world, offering God’s justice,  peace, hope and healing love, in the name of Jesus Christ.  

And may the love God of love, the joy of Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit be with you always. AMEN. 

Sung Blessing  Go now in Peace.


Go now in peace...never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of every day. Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true. Know He will guide you in all you do. Go now in love, and show you believe. Reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there, watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith, and in love. 3 Fold Amen