January 21, 2024

Fishers of men and women

Passage: Jonah 3:1-5; Psalm 62: 5-12; Mark 1:14-20



January 21  2024






God our rock and our salvation.

We will not be shaken!

Trust in God at all times, O people.

We will pour out our hearts to God, our refuge.

Today, let us turn to God and accept the good news.

We will listen for Christ’s call and follow him.


HYMN           39 – God of mercy, God of grace


  1. God of mercy, God of grace,
    show the brightness of your face.
    Shine upon us, Saviour, shine;
    fill your world with light divine,
    and your saving health extend
    unto earth's remotest end.2. Let the people praise you, Lord;
    be by all that live adored.
    Let the nations shout and sing
    glory to their gracious King;
    at your feet their tribute pay,
    and your holy will obey.3. Let the people praise you, Lord;
    earth shall then its fruits afford.
    Unto us your blessing give;
    we to you devoted live,
    all below and all above,
    one in joy and light and love.



Lord Jesus Christ, you have called us together as your people, and invited us to follow you. Your church has grown from scattered homes in ancient times – to a worldwide community, embracing men and women, young and old, from many nations and cultures. We marvel at the miracle of your church, and praise you for our place among your people. Your love keeps drawing us to you and to each other, and so we offer you our wonder and praise with millions of those who also gather in your name this day, our Saviour and our Lord. Hear now  we ask , as we confess together …



God of mercy and mystery, we confess your mercy can disturb us.

 We sit in judgment on what we hear, and cannot imagine offering

forgiveness for dreadful actions. We prefer to think that your

 judgment matches ours. Forgive us for presuming we see as you

 see, and understand all that you understand. Have mercy upon us,

 O God, when we give up on the power of mercy

In Jesus name we pray  AMEN



The mercy of our God is from everlasting to everlasting. Friends, hear the good news of the Gospel. In Jesus Christ, God’s generous love reaches out to embrace us. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven and set free to begin again. Let us give thanks for God’s incredible  love.




HYMN           648 – I’m gonna live so God can use me


  1. I'm gonna live so God can use me
    anywhere, Lord, anytime!
    I'm gonna live so God can use me

anywhere, Lord, anytime!

2. I'm gonna work so God can use me
anywhere, Lord, anytime!
I'm gonna work so God can use me
anywhere, Lord, anytime!

3. I'm gonna pray so God can use me
anywhere, Lord, anytime!
I'm gonna pray so God can use me
anywhere, Lord, anytime!

4. I'm gonna sing so God can use me
anywhere, Lord, anytime!
I'm gonna sing so God can use me
anywhere, Lord, anytime!


God of new life, your Word can change lives with mercy and purpose. Send your Holy Spirit to help us hear your Word with its potential to change our lives as we follow Jesus Christ, your Living Word. Amen.



Jonah 3:1-5                            p  1438

Psalm 62: 5-12                     p 898

Mark 1:14-20                         p 1552



Our lectionary readings  right now focus on God’s calling . Jesus is at the beginning of his ministry  and knows  this is not something  he’s going to accomplish solo.

Along with  “Dare to be a Daniel”  I think the first  song I learned at a very young age in Sunday school was

“ I will make you fishers of men , fishers of men , fishers of men  I will make you fishers of men if you follow me.”

In the New Testament lesson, Jesus calls his first four followers, Simon and his brother Andrew, James and his brother John. These four fishermen immediately respond to Jesus’ invitation and follow him. Jesus tells his disciples that he will turn them into fishers of men and women.

Jesus  ends up calling a total group of 12 followers.  When I look at this congregation, there are usually somewhere in the range of 20 folks-  almost twice as many as  Jesus called

Calling to these men he says that being his disciple is not an easy task. He is saying that the gospel is a disturbing force in the world which can upset individuals and nations alike. It brings change and new experiences to all who hear it.... What the story at this point doesn't tell is -what these fellows are getting in for by becoming followers of Jesus.. Being a disciple was not glamorous. In fact, it was downright dangerous.

The book of Jonah has such a dramatic miracle and such a controversial biblical event. Chapter 3 is only a small portion of the whole story. Poor old Jonah finds out that the Lord is calling him to the mission field But it is not sunny Hawaii. It’s Ninevah. This is not the place a tourist would go. It is not the place that any person in their right mind would go.

You see Nineveh is not the kind of place that will welcome a stranger. Especially a stranger who is going to tell them to change their ways. This is a cruel city in a cruel nation. At one point in their history, the Assyrians would decapitate their enemies and mount the heads on poles at the city gates as a warning to anyone who entered the city. What a bazaar welcome sign! Who wants to go visit a city like that? But it is the place where God calls Jonah to go.

Jonah, being both a man of devout faith and of devout reason, does the reasonable thing. He heads for the sea and tries to go in the opposite direction from Nineveh. Of course,  while he is at sea Jonah’s boat is caught up in a storm! The crew is terrified ! Jonah is thrown overboard and a giant sea creature is sent by God to swallow Jonah.

Now this fellow’s having a bad time. First he is told by God to go to the worst place on earth and tell the meanest people on earth to repent of their sins. Then he is caught up in a terrible storm at sea and now he is stuck in the belly of a fish. People get wrapped up in trying to defend the scientific possibility that a man could indeed be swallowed by a fish and survive that they miss the greatest miracle of all in that book.

Clearly, Jonah does not like the people of Ninevah. He is, in a sense, a cultural racist. I suspect we all know people like that. Jonah is like that, He despises them

This story is only 4 chapters long It is only in Chapter 3, that we finally find Jonah working with God. However  Jonah isn’t trying very hard. He agrees to go, he heads to the city, and he proclaims God’s message… with an eight word sermon! "Forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned." Now here is the most amazing thing… God was able to use Jonah’s 8 word sermon

Notice that Jonah does not say that if you repent God might change his mind. Jonah’s preaching is a straightforward prophecy of utter doom and destruction. That is what Jonah wants to happen. Jonah does not preach repentance,

Then the people of Ninevah do the most amazing thing. They listen to Jonah. They repent. They change their way of doing things. They change their lifestyles. The king himself issues a proclamation for everyone to pray and to repent. "Who knows," said the king, "Perhaps the Lord will change his mind and not destroy us. " And in fact, that is just what happens. The Lord spares Ninevah.

This is the last thing Jonah wants. He wants to see Nineveh burn Instead, Nineveh is rejoicing in the wideness of God’s mercy. This makes Jonah really angry. He can not accept that the God who had shown mercy to him, would also extend that same mercy to wicked Assyrians.

If we had read further  into chapter 4:2, Jonah says to God, "O Lord! Is not this what I said while I was still in my own country? This is why I fled to Tarshish at the beginning; for I know that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and ready to relent from punishing.” Jonah knows that God is willing to change his mind and forgive. And now God has gone and forgiven those people and this makes Jonah so mad he cannot stand it.

You see, the miracle has nothing to do with a giant fish swallowing Jonah. It has to do with the fact that Nineveh changed. And if Nineveh can, repent, anybody can repent.

Jonah is often called the reluctant prophet,. It was easier for him to look at someone as hopeless rather than full of possibility. However the message is that there is not a single person who is hopeless. Anyone can repent.  God never thinks of anyone as beyond hope.

If that city could change, any city can change. If those people could change for the better, then anyone can change for the better. I suspect that most of us know someone that we consider to be hopeless. It is easier for us to just ignore them because we think of them as hopeless But God has love and hope in those people.

Despite what any of us may think of Jonah, we can perhaps sympathize with him a little. I mean… who hasn’t felt unqualified to carry out God’s work. “Surely, you didn’t mean to ask ME. Surely there is someone else out there more qualified than I”

We don’t feel adequate… we don’t feel prepared… we don’t feel like we are good enough to do the amazing task in front of us. Jonah’s story should comfort us… God is able to use us. We may indeed be inadequate, unprepared, and not good enough… but our Lord is a mighty Lord who can use the broken, the imperfect, the unprepared.  And Jesus said “ Follow me” with no promises  that discipleship will be a smooth journey – but will travel with us .

So who knows what possibilities there are in those people we have come to think of  as hopeless? Or worthless? God always calls us to invite – not just the people we like, or who are like us, or we consider worth the time to invite – but all of the people God loves. Anybody can turn to God. Anybody can change their lifestyle. Jesus said he would make us fishers of men, yet sometimes we are like Jonah who was called to preach to the people of Ninevah -- we run away as fast as we can!

The church’s ministry today has the advantage of celebrating, honoring, respecting, and challenging those who are present rather than showing anxiety over those who are not.

Jesus’ proclamation in this Sunday’s Gospel lesson is good news: “Come and follow me!”  We say, thanks be to God. Amen.


HYMN                       471 – We are one in the Spirit


We are one in the Spirit,

we are one in the Lord,

We are one in the Spirit,

we are one in the Lord,

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored:


And they'll know we are Christians

By our love, by our love,

Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.


We will walk with each other,

we will walk hand in hand,

We will walk with each other,

we will walk hand in hand,

And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land:



We will work with each other,

we will work side by side,

We will work with each other,

we will work side by side,

And we'll guard each man's dignity and save each man's pride:




Jesus asked his first disciples to answer his call with their lives. We offer the love of the Lord along with our knowledge, and talents of our lives in answer to this same call. Consider what Christ can accomplish through the gifts you offer today.



Praise God from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him all creatures here below

Praise him above ye heavenly host.

Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost



Lord Jesus, you called ordinary men and women join in the work of God’s reign on earth. We offer you our gifts to share in the work you began through them.  May our lives and offering be a sign of your calling at work in us . Bless our gifts and work through us, that the world may know your love is still active among us all. Amen.



Spirit of life and liberty, we pray that you save us from all that inhibits the abundant life you give us. God, in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

God of fishers and farmers and factory workers, God of those who work in health care, hospitality and at home, God of our offices and businesses, our stores and our streets, our schools and rec centres, of emergency services and entertainers, we thank you for the many ways we can serve your purposes. And we thank you for all the ways others offer us goodness to sustain our lives and support our community.  Remind us to offer our thanks to them, not only to you.

God of purpose and promise, Jesus called his first followers to change their livelihoods and so they did. Today we pray for those whose work has changed without their choice: those who have lost their jobs, those whose businesses are in jeopardy and those who face increased demands at work with less support. Give them courage and perseverance as the future unfolds.

God of all churches who bear your Son’s name, whatever tradition or perspective that shapes us, We thank you for the fellowship we share and the gifts of the Spirit we receive. We pray that the differences between us will not blunt our witness to Jesus and the love he proclaims. Teach us to value diversity in discipleship and honour what unites us more than what divides us, so that the world may see Jesus reflected in all our lives.

We pray for wisdom and love for those who support family members, friends and neighbours who wrestle with addiction. We pray for ministries and camps providing mental health support, training and workshops. We pray for the physical, mental and spiritual health of chaplains who work to meet the spiritual needs of all those who serve.

God of our cities and towns, our villages and reserves, God of all cultures and clans that shape our identities, you created us for community. We thank you for the enjoyment and support  that we find by coming together. We pray for all those who suffer because others judge something key to their identities, language or religion, orientation or status. Help us learn from each other through our differences ,and recognize the face of Christ in those who challenge our assumptions.

God of all times and situations, We bear on our hearts concerns for many around us whose challenges seem overwhelming Today we lift in prayer  our  joys -   Our concerns --Our sorrows and grief


Although we have not voiced them today others are held in our hearts and prayers Hear us in this time of silence as we name them before you:

Send your Spirit of healing and hope to embrace those who need you. We dare to ask all this because we trust in the name of Jesus, your Son, who taught all his followers to pray:


Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name,  thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.  Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


HYMN           645 – Follow me, the Master said


  1. 'Follow me,' the Master said:
    we will follow Jesus.
    By his word and Spirit led,
    we will follow Jesus.
    Still for us he lives to plead,
    at the throne will intercede,
    offers help in time of need;
    we will follow Jesus.2. Should the world and sin oppose,
    we will follow Jesus.
    He is greater than our foes;
    we will follow Jesus.
    On his promise we depend;
    he will hear us and defend,
    help and keep us to the end;
    we will follow Jesus.3. Though the way may dark appear,
    we will follow Jesus.
    He will make our pathway clear;
    we will follow Jesus.
    In our daily round of care,
    as we plead with God in prayer,
    with the cross which we must bear,
    we will follow Jesus.4. Ever keep that end in view;
    we will follow Jesus.
    All his promises are true;
    we will follow Jesus.
    When this earthly course is run,
    and the Master says, 'Well done!'
    life eternal we have won;
    we will follow Jesus.


Remember that the God who calls us  is the God  who always goes with us The season of Epiphany celebrates God’s light breaking into the world in Christ Jesus, and so: May the light of God lead you, the light of Christ embrace you, and the light of the Holy Spirit enliven you So that you know both hope and peace this day and each coming day.


CLOSING SONG    [sing  twice ]

Lead me Jesus I will follow

Down the dusty pathway, all along the sea,

Teach me Jesus to be loving

Your disciple I will be                     
