August 20, 2023

Something infinitely greater

Passage: Psalm 67;  Romans 11: 1-2a; 28-32
Service Type:


AUGUST 20 2023



Let the people praise God;
Let all the peoples praise the Lord!
Let the nations be glad and sing with joy,
For God guide us all with justice and equity.
Let the people praise God, for how we have been blessed;
Come let us worship and offer all honour and praise.

HYMN 425 We praise you o God


Welcoming God, you make all things new. You invite all people to receive your blessing. Justice
and right relations have their source in you. We are filled with joy to be counted among your
children. As we gather, make us one in witness and worship. Together, we lift our voices to
proclaim your all-encompassing love. May our praise join with the praise of all your people, and
reach the ends of the earth, for you are our Maker and the hope of the world you love. As we
have gathered, we pray you will hear our prayer of confession ….
Merciful God,
we confess that we have not lived as you have taught us.
Forgive us those times we have not welcomed others into our
community; and those times we have avoided others
because something about them made us uncomfortable.
Forgive us the ways we have judged people unfairly.
Reveal to us our own prejudices, and show us how
to see your goodness in those who seem different from us.
In Jesus name AMEN

While it is true that we have all sinned, it is a greater truth that we are forgiven through God’s
love in Jesus Christ. To all who humbly seek the mercy of God, I say, be at peace with God, with
yourself and with one another

May the peace of our risen Lord be with you today and always Let us share a sign of peace

HYMN 65 All people that on earth do dwell


Psalm 67; 
Romans 11: 1-2a; 28-32

Its’ been quite a week here in BC ! On Wednesday my son Sean received notice from the
company he works for that he had to be back to Port Albernie on Friday for the next salmon
run. So I started the sermon for today. Then Bill and I took Sean south on Thursday. Returning
via the Fraser Canyon to avoid the Coq heavy traffic, we witnessed the exploding Koopiki Creek
fire across from Boston Bar. Actually the highway was closed behind us although we weren’t
aware of that until we got home. The whole province seemed to be exploding with fire that
day - West Kelowna ,Kelowna, Adams Lake, places listed we already knew about getting worse.
seemingly all southern areas of the province. Friday was even worse with fire expansions
causing evacuations orders and alerts - closed highways - and all day long radio coverage. Not
unexpectedly, Friday concluded by the Premier declaring our beautiful province now on a
provincial wide state of Emergency. Fires are getting just too close to home. The dense pall of
smoke on Saturday here caused the cancelation of the Roots and Blues after one show on
Friday night .
I’m sure there have been and are uncounted prayers rising heavenward with increasing urgency.
There are also likely lots of angry comments such as- Where are you God? Why are you
allowing all this destruction ? God why aren’t you doing anything to stop this ? even a great
many expressing - There is no God !!!!
So the sermon I started on Wednesday just did not seem relevant for the situations that
everyone - not just in BC but all over Canada and around the world are experiencing
However it’s important that we just not sit here and be sorry for ourselves
Sometimes I admit – I just cannot equate relevance to the lectionary scriptures of the day to
life that is rushing on before us and in our faces . But scriptures have been chosen and I trust
the guidance of the Holy Spirit .
I am thinking we need to notice in Paul’s extended argument how many verbs point to the action
of God. God is at work in the events Paul is trying to comprehend, acting decisively and with
purpose. What is that purpose? God means to be merciful to all says Paul.
Paul is trying to teach through his letters that the wideness of God’s mercy, and the things God
can redeem along the way to showing that mercy to all, are beyond our comprehension
In our reading from Psalms this morning Psalm 67 creatively integrates the priestly blessing of
Israel and the ancestral promise of a blessing to the nations in order to project a renewed vision
of the way things were meant to be from the beginning. Its aspirations for all nations and peoples
to receive God’s blessings encourage a holistic understanding of God’s purposes on earth.
We are encouraged to engage this psalm’s word of blessing on the world. Devotees acknowledge
that Israel’s God oversees the proceedings of creation and history. Although inspired by the

bountiful produce of nature, this psalm depicts the whole world joining in the worship, not of
nature, but of its sole creator
Here we are confronted by the psalm’s word of challenge to the church. , It speaks to the
church’s need ever to be vigilant in presenting God’s desire for the world to join in praise with
his people. Verse 7 goes on to link God’s blessing on Israel with the hope that “all the ends of the
earth would revere him.”
These words also remind us that mission is both universal in its geographic scope and also
prophetic in its concern for a world “torn by racial, ethnic, and national exclusivism and strife.”
Certainly we believe that God makes God’s self and purposes known, But in the face of the
questions Paul struggles with in his letter to the Romans, and other questions concerning the
providence of God, we also do well to acknowledge the truth of Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts
are not your thoughts, nor are my ways your ways, says the Lord.” Paul in the verses that end
chapter 11, exclaims, “O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How
unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!”
Paul is making it clear that no one could have guessed God’s plan of salvation for the Gentiles
and for the Jewish people unless God himself had revealed it. This plan is so amazing that no one
could have come up with it on his own. No one could have seen it ahead of time and figured it
out, had not God revealed it in his word.
Still, the problem he addresses in Romans chapters 9-11 is : gentiles are embracing Jesus as the
God of Israel’s anointed one, raised from the dead, while Paul’s “kindred according to the flesh”
(9:3) are failing to do so- definitely not in the numbers Paul had expected and hoped.
Paul doesn’t want Gentile Christians to boast and view themselves as better than the Jewish
people .He says that God’s dealing with the Gentiles and the Jews in his plan of salvation is a
mystery. There is nothing that is beyond God’s ability.”
For Paul, a mystery is an open secret. It is something that once was concealed, but which is now
revealed. It is something that we can not understand unless God reveals it to us in his word, but
once it is revealed to us, it is to be declared openly to everybody. It is not for just Christians to
understand, it is something for everybody to understand, - something that every Christian is to
proclaim. There is no easy retreat to the realm of “mystery” when theological thinking gets hard.
Paul spurns the explanations for why Israel has not embraced Jesus. God has not failed God’s
people, or turned away from them, or played favorites with the gentiles. God’s relationship with
Israel, including God’s election of them as God’s own people, remains in place. In the words of
this section, “the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” (11:29).
Faith is a gift. Faith is the most unnatural thing that there is in a fallen world. Faith isn’t
something that is innate to the human heart. Faith is an exotic transplant into the human soul. If
Gentile Christians puff themselves up and say, “Ultimately the difference between us and

between the Jewish people is that they failed to believe and we believed,” they have failed to
realize that God grants faith, the greatest of graces to all his chosen people.
Paul tells us that we need to focus on our own faith and living and not judge others for their faith
or lack thereof. It is not our place to judge.
Earlier in the chapter Paul is asserting that all Jewish people who embrace Christ by faith will be
grafted into the body of Christ. He’s holding out a firm hope for all Jews and he is speaking
unequivocally about God’s ability to save.
Paul always emphasizes God’s sovereignty and our responsibility side by side without
compromising either. Let me put it this way. Paul always emphasizes God’s sovereignty, but not
at the expense of our responsibility.
All of Divine Sovereignty is a mystery. None of us chose to be here at this point in time. So how
do we explain our salvation? We don’t; it’s a mystery. There is nothing in us to merit it, and
there is nothing that can hinder God from bestowing it.
Years ago there was a New York show acted out on two stages. On one big stage players played
their parts. Over to one side there was another little stage where one actor acted the role of the
playwright, scribbling lines while the players played. When an actor on the big stage muffed his
part or misplaced himself, the playwright would rewrite the script to cover it up. In the second
act he leaped across the stage and played a part, rearranged the players, adlibbed new lines, and
held the play together. Back and forth he went, rewriting, and entering the story until at last he
brought the play to a great dancing curtain call.
So picture it ! God is writing and rewriting the script, covering all our sins, and entering the
human stage to play a part. God will bring our, and His, story to a great conclusion. We are not
much of a cast, are we? We miss our lines and muff our steps. But what a plot! If you can leave
here today convinced you are God’s chosen representatives to this age at this time, the difference
you will make is beyond comprehension. And that can happen, for you have been elected,
equipped, and empowered by God.. His hand formed you and made you the person you are. He
compares you to no one else – you are one of a kind. You lack nothing that His grace can’t give
So how do we explain that one place is destroyed by fire -- or a massive flood while another
remains untouched We don’t ! For the most part God’s plans remain a mystery
Paul concludes with a magnificent doxology. He says in verses 33-36: “Oh, the depth of the
riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how
inscrutable his ways! ‘For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?’
‘Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?’ For from him and through him and to
him are all things. To him be glory forever. AMEN

HYMN 497 Word of God across the ages

With deep gratitude for the healing and freedom that Jesus offers, let us present our offerings to
God. Through our gifts, may that healing and freedom be shared in God’s world in Christ’s

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly host.
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

O God, we place our hope and trust in your loving kindness. Because we want to praise you with
more than just words, we offer our gifts to support Christ’s mission in the world. Bless these gifts
and use our energy for your good purposes, so that the world will know your loving kindness.

Living God, people of all places and times have reached out to you in times of desperation, with
so many different needs. You have compassion for each one and so we thank you for the depth of
your love. This day we set before you our many different hopes and concerns.
Fill us with your compassion as we pray from the breadth and depth of our lives:
We thank you God for the warmth and beauty and wonder of August.
We pray for all that we are and all that we do, all we wish we could do and all we long for....
Today we lift before you our prayers for the growing desperate need for the stopping of the
ceaseless wildfires which have affected thousands around our province - destroyed too
much property, and forest -which has created so much overwhelming stress – physically,
mentally emotionally – on all people . we pray for cool rains to bring relief soon Lord -very soon
With all our hearts we pray for strength , encouragement and mercy on all who are so deeply
We give thanks for all who give their time and talent to the church throughout the year in big and
small ways. We pray for the Rev. Mary Fontaine as she meets with people in her role as
Moderator of the General Assembly. We pray for everything we work for in our church and
community, and everything we hope for in the face of so much change….. Thank you for the
blessings you pour out on us and upon all who gather in the congregation of Grace Church
Today being World Humanitarian Day, we honour the countless individuals who have dedicated
themselves to making a difference in the lives of others. Humanitarian work is often challenging,
and those undertaking it face many risks, yet they continue to work tirelessly, motivated to help
others and improve the world WE pray your continued blessing upon those who work without
respite to rebuild communities in so many situations
We pray for the choices we face in our country and community,

in our homes and workplaces, and for all the responsibilities we bear in our different roles…
We pray for the troubles that weary us, the situations that puzzle us and the uncertainty that
surrounds us…
We remember before you each joy and blessing in our lives We also remember each situation
that worries us and each person we care about….
Living Christ, you are the Source of peace and new possibility for us all.
Help us trust in your grace for today and tomorrow.
Fill us with the strength and hope we need to walk with you, united in your love.
For it is as your loyal followers we dare to pray the words you taught us:
Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our
debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and
the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

HYMN 467 Praise my soul the God who crowns you

The Psalmist declares it is good and pleasant when God’s people live in unity. So go with the
conviction we can serve together to do good and find pleasure in Jesus’ name. And may the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and unity in the Holy Spirit be with you now and
always. Amen.


Lead me Lord, lead me in your righteousness
Make your way plan before my face
For it is you and you God only
Who makes me dwell in safety.

Three-fold Amen

"Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! For from him and through him are all things . To him be the glory forever !" Romans 11: 33 … 36