February 25, 2024

It’s time to get our feet wet.

Passage: Psalm 22:23-31; Matthew 14: 22-31
Service Type:


February 25 th 2024 LENT TWO

We gather together, seeking life in all its fullness.
We gather in God’s name, longing for truth and hope.
We are drawn by the words of our Creator and Redeemer.
We seek God’s Spirit to guide us.
Come and worship the God who seeks us out.
We will worship God, the Source of our lives, who is worthy of all our praise.

HYMN 328 – This is my Father’s World

Loving God, Creator, Christ, and Guide, you speak words of life to us. In you we
find our hearts’ desire; by your grace we are saved. When the way forward is
unclear, you shed light. When times are difficult, you stir courage and hope. Our
deepest longing is to know you, and to be known by you . Your glorious Spirit fills
this world and renews our hearts and visions so that We can see your image in
every person - irrespective of background, race, and ethnicity. Your love moves
beyond that which divides and borders and works in us to end misunderstanding,
racism, and injustice; creating communities of human flourishing. Draw near to us
in our time of worship, O God, and open the way before us, so that we may follow
Jesus without wavering, trusting him to lead us. Hear us now as together we
speak in confession
Although following you brings joy, O God,
we confess the way is sometimes hard for us.
We get tired and would prefer an easier road.
Some days the task of loving others seems hard,
and we ignore the needs of our neighbours.
Forgive us when our commitment to you wavers,
and we take that easier path.
Strengthen our determination to follow where you lead                                    and renew our energy to serve in Jesus’ name. Amen

No matter what you do, Christ’s love for you is unchanging. Fearful or brave,
faithful or doubting, Christ is always walking toward you. So hear and believe this
good news: God’s love is stronger than any storms. On our best days, and on our
worst days, we are seen, forgiven, and loved. God is always walking toward you.
Thanks be to God! Amen.

HYMN 675 - Precious Lord Take My Hand

Holy God, There are days when the wind is loud and the storms of life beg for our
attention. So just as you stilled the wind and the sea, still our wandering hearts.
Quiet our restless minds. Reach out your hand to us and pull us into your Word so
that we might really hear, your message to us today. With one foot out of the boat,
we pray, amen.


Psalm 22:23-31;                                                                                                            Matthew 14: 22-31

SERMON: It’s time to get our feet wet.

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in
you sight O God , our Saviour and redeemer

Peter’s life is forever changed when Jesus first calls Peter to follow him. That is
what a disciple is, namely, one who follows. Since following Jesus, Peter has been
on a wild adventure. He has seen miracles that he could hardly imagine.
There is a lot of fatigue and exhaustion going on in today’s gospel story. To begin
with, Jesus and his disciples have just spent the entire day with a huge crowd of
people on a remote hillside. Jesus spent the whole day healing their sick. Then they
coordinated a mass feeding and cleanup.
That was a full day’s work! But there is more. Jesus had gone there in the first
place because his heart is heavy. He’d gotten the news that John the Baptist had

been beheaded. They go to this lonely place so that they can be alone and grieve
John’s death away from the constant demands of the crowds.
But once Jesus arrives, there are the people! So he lays aside his own grief and sets
about to care for their needs. How difficult it is to tend to other needs when your
own heart is brimming over in grief and sorrow! Ordinary things take twice the
We’ve all been there. Sometimes the needs before you are so pressing that you just
have to place your own needs on a shelf until you can get back to them later.
That’s exactly what Jesus does. But now he wants to be alone. So he sends the
disciples ahead to their boat, and dismisses the crowds. At last, he is alone! He
retreats to the mountain top, and spends time in prayer, his soul desperately
needing one-on-one time with God.
Now the disciples also have put in a full day on that hillside. They are worn out,
too. It’s evening when they set off for their destination across the lake. It’s getting
dark and a stiff wind arises - they have no option but to row right into it. They still
have a long way to go before they reach the shore.
The disciples have battled the wind for over six hours, making very little headway.
It’s then, when their hands are calloused, when their backs are aching, that Jesus
comes across doing the impossible. They thought they were in this situation alone.
But Jesus is coming towards them. Walking on the stormy water !
In these few short verses of the story, orders are being given. Some of the orders
come from Jesus, whom you might expect; after all, he is “the Lord.” He says,
“Take heart, it is I!” Jesus identifies himself by the holy name of God. “Take heart,
my friends, the Holy One of Israel, God Almighty, is with you.”
Peter’s name in Aramaic means “rock.” “however Peter is not as dumb as a rock.
He does the smartest thing possible; he calls out to Jesus, “ Lord, if it is you, then
tell me to come to you on the water”
Peter has the audacity to give orders to Jesus – and amazingly, Jesus does what
he’s told.. Now if I was Jesus, I would have replied, “Just a minute, Peter. You are
addressing the king of the universe. Don’t you start barking orders at me! Ask
nicely, say, ‘Please,’ After all, Rocks don’t fare well on water.

Then this impetuous disciple steps over the gunwale into the sea . Peter walks on
water ! End of story, right? Wrong! This is where it gets good. Peter makes it
halfway to Jesus and then starts to sink. There is a lesson in this. Too often we
think the hardest step is the first step. But that’s not always true. Every step can be
difficult.! The steps do not get easier with life. Each step has its own challenge.
“Lord, save me!” Notice that he doesn’t call out to the disciples in the boat. He
calls to Jesus. Jesus chides him, not for using the imperative, “Save me!” but for
having not enough faith, not enough trust in Jesus to keep on walking on water.
I understand well the fear the disciples tiredly working their butts off feel , sitting
wet and cold in the storm. For the first five decades of my life I spent a good deal
of time on the water in boats. Many times storms were a part of the journey - north
coast ocean water are very unpredictable -- however I admit- I never once tried to
walk on water !
The boat is THE oldest symbol of the church of Christ. The people of God are like
the disciples in the boat. We dwell together as a community of faith, through
storms and across the seas of time. So if we are active in the church, we are
walking where Jesus walks. God welcomes the dreamers and the doubters, the
courageous and the fearful, the hungry and the hopeful, the impatient and the
reserved. God welcomes the young and the old, the poets and the prophets, the
faithful and the tired, the curious and the convicted. Wherever you are on your
journey, wherever your boat is at sea, there is room for all to gather here. This is
God’s house
There are days that threaten to swallow us, days when the storms of life feel too
big. In those moments, we often cling to the sides of our ships in fear, spending
more energy hiding from storms than looking for Jesus Life can feel that way.
Jesus calls us. It takes FAITH not FEAR to accomplish that to which God has
called us. If we let fear of failure keep us in the boat, we may be sensible; but we
will never accomplish the mission to which Christ calls us.
Is it risky to get out of the boat? Absolutely yet Jesus’ job is to save. Jesus’ very
name means “savior.” Jesus left the comfort of eternity and stepped out onto the
tsunami of this world in order to save us.
The prayer of confession is one way that we can crawl out of our boats. Here’s
what I mean: In the prayer of confession, we are honest about the storms that rage

within and around us. In this prayer, we speak with honesty in an effort to move
closer to God.
Prayer and time with God are essential. They revive our heart and soul. The story
is told of a certain village in Africa. The message of Christianity had been
embraced by this village. As their regular devotional practice, each person had
found a lonely spot in the nearby jungle. They went frequently to their spot to pray.
Each person’s spot was sufficiently remote so that he or she could openly and pour
out their heart to God in prayer and praise.
Over time, the pathways to these prayer spots became worn down. So it was
evident to everyone if a neighbor started to neglect their prayer life. To encourage
their neighbor in prayer, they say, “Brother, the grass grows on your path.”
Like Jesus’ example, you need to take time to renew your soul. Connect with God.
You’re never to busy to take some time away to connect with God. Don’t let the
grass grow on your path!
Our lives can feel like those of the disciples in the boat, battling headwinds where
we barely make any headway. But Jesus will come to us across impossible
circumstances. His presence strengthens our hearts. There are others with you in
the boat! Take a look around. Encourage one another. And when others want to
help you, let them. That’s what community is all about.
Friends, you have a choice. You will never walk on water if you do not get out of
the boat. However just because you take a step forward does not mean life will
become easy. Life is more work, more pain, more struggle; but also more fun, more
joy, and more adventure. And when you find yourself sinking in the “more”, call
out to Jesus. He will save you with an outstretched hand. He is there to hold you...
challenge you. And at the end of your life, he is there to raise you from the dead
and lead you on yet another journey. God’s peace be with you on your journey.
Don’t stay in the boat; walk on water! In Jesus Name, Amen

HYMN 744 Will your anchor hold

Jesus challenged his followers to deny themselves in order to follow him. Our
offerings express to God our willingness to commit resources we could have used
in other ways for God’s purposes instead. We are blessed to be able to give.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly host.
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost
Generous God, you have blessed our lives with many diverse gifts and peoples.
Jesus, you challenge your followers to give to God like you did, without counting
the cost. We pause with grateful hearts to offer you gifts of money that you have
provided for us. We also give to you our hands, our feet, our voices, our time, and
our abilities. Use all that we are along with these gifts to spread your love
throughout the world. We dedicate ourselves and all that we are to your work in the
name of Jesus. Amen.

Loving God, we thank you for the vision you have for our lives, the promises you
have made to us, and the journey you open before us. Thank You for language, the
vehicle that allows us to communicate with you and each other. May we choose
our words carefully so as to bless and edify ourselves as well as others.
Dearest Lord, when we think of what You have done for us, our hearts overflow
with love for You. Help us to pass on Your love to everyone who has lost hope or
is in need. We thank You, Father, for the gifts of compassion. Spirit of the living
God, fill us, use us, melt us, and mould us to be more like You.
Today we remember with gratitude: The ways our lives are held secure in uncertain
times by our trust in you; when we step out of the boat our hands are in yours
[Silence ]
Moments that made us laugh or smile; [Silence ]
Moments when we felt your gifts of courage and patience supporting us; [Silence]
Times when you helped us overcome temptation; [Silence]
The people who love us and give us encouragement;.[Silence]]

Gracious God, we are grateful for all these signs of your love in our lives. Thank
you for the hope they brings us. Show us how to share this hope and love with
those who face struggles.
Faithful God, we pray for healing and restoration in the world that is our home.
We name before you in silence people, places, and situations deeply in need of
your grace, especially where violence or destruction makes living precarious:
[Silence ]
We pray for communities who come together to explore important life questions,
support each other in living with purpose and meaning, and work towards peace
and justice.
all who are struggling in these uncertain economic times, especially those who
worry about the future for their children and grandchildren; [Silence]
those who are weak or vulnerable for any reason, and those who lack dignity and
respect in our community; [Silence ]
We pray for the earth and its well-being, that areas and species under threat will be
cared for; and places in conflict will find ways to build peace with justice; we pray
for those in leadership, facing complex problems and increasing demands, that they
will show both wisdom and courage.[Silence ]
God of the Universe, we bring ourselves to your throne of grace. We are all facing
different situations as we grapple with changing times, but you are aware of who
we are, and what we are going through. Activate your hope within us so that we
may rely on the strength and comfort you offer. Walk with us when we step out of
the boat By the power of your Spirit, O God, work in us and through us. Have
mercy on us, O God. receive our prayers in the name of Jesus Christ who taught us
to pray together:
Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will
be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us
our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
HYMN 651 - Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer


Beloved wanderer, as you leave this place, may you carry your curious heart on
your sleeve. May you look for God in every face. May you find the courage to get
out of the boat, to run to the tomb, and to speak of your faith. And when the world
falls apart, may you hear God’s voice deep within, saying, “Take heart, it is I, be
not afraid.” You are called. You are blessed. In both your ups and your downs, you
always belong to God. As we continue our Lenten journey, remember “The Lord
will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forever more.
May God’s presence strengthen you, Jesus’ faithfulness guide you, and the wind of
the Spirit bring you energy to serve with love. AMEN


O love that wilt not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in thee
I give thee back the life I owe
that in thine ocean depths its flow
may richer, fuller be.
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