October 22, 2023

Sheep Business

Passage: Psalm 23; Luke 15: 1-7
Service Type:


Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew’s Church, Salmon Arm 

Oct 22, 2023 

Lighting the Christ Candle 

Welcome and Announcements 

Oct 22  Anniversary Service:  We thank the Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart for leading us in worship. 

Called to Worship: 

We come to celebrate our anniversary as the people of God
Celebrating the work we have completed, the work yet to come
The God of new beginnings calls us to this place
We come prepared for a new thing
Come and see the astounding things God will yet do among us.
We come to be more aware of God’s calling, and to offer ourselves as his Servant Sheep 

Hymn:  706  Come let us sing


Prayer of Adoration 

Prayer of Confession:  Unison 

O God of watchful care, you have offered us, and our ancestors before us, your life-giving presence, yet we do not always respond.  In Jesus, you call us to live in a renewed humanity of freedom, justice and peace; then, we forget to rely on your Spirit and grow discouraged.
And yet, we want what you want, so let us begin anew.  Forgive what lies behind and turn our hearts and hands to what is yet to come.  Refresh our hope and vision as your church and renew our commitment to the ministries we in which we serve.  WE pray trusting in you, O God of mercy.  Amen. 

Assurance of Pardon 

The Peace
Passing the Peace 

Hymn:  640  Softly and Tenderly



Psalm 23 
Luke 15: 1-7 

Sermon:  Sheep Business  

Hymn: 691  My shepherd is the King of Love


Offering and Offertory
Doxology 830

Offertory Prayer 

Gathering Prayer Requests
Prayers for the Mission of the Church
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer 

Hymn:  637  Take my life and let it be

Charge and Benediction 

Sung Blessing  Go now in Peace.


Go now in peace...never be afraid. God will go with you each hour of every day. Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true. Know He will guide you in all you do. Go now in love, and show you believe. Reach out to others so all the world can see. God will be there, watching from above. Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.
3 Fold Amen