July 28, 2024

Come before God in Worship

Passage: Psalm 100; John 4:19-26
Service Type:


July 28th, 2024



All God’s works give thanks to the Lord.
We will lift up our voices in praise.
The Lord is near to all who call upon God in truth.
We will sing of God’s power and speak of God’s loving kindness.
Let us worship God who is faithful in all things.
Let us praise God’s holy name forever.

HYMN . 174 Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness;

1. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness;
bow down in reverence, God's glory proclaim;
gold of obedience and incense of lowliness
bring now, adoring the Lord's holy name.
2. Low at his feet lay thy burden of carefulness;
high on his heart Jesus bears it for thee,
comforts thy sorrows and answers thy prayerfulness,
guiding thy steps as may best for thee be.
3. Fear not to enter God's courts in the slenderness
of the poor wealth thou wouldst reckon as thine;
truth in its beauty and love in its tenderness:
these are the offerings to lay on his shrine.
4. These, though we bring them in trembling and fearfulness,
God will accept for the name that is dear;
mornings of joy give for evenings of tearfulness,
trust for our trembling and hope for our fear.

5. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness;
bow down in reverence, God's glory proclaim;
gold of obedience and incense of lowliness
bring now, adoring the Lord's holy name.

Gracious and generous God, we gather with grateful hearts, amazed by the
abundance in your creation, abundance to share in food, in friendship and in
faithfulness. We gather with hopeful hearts, seeking another taste of your love for
us. Your love is both mysterious and miraculous, O God, with the power to
transform times that overwhelm us and lives that hunger for hope. By the power of
your Spirit, move among us in our worship. Open before us the new possibilities
you create for us. Each day is precious, so help us not to take it for granted. Help
us to make wiser choices in what truly matters as we focus on eternal values and
the impact that we can make during our brief existence here on this earth for Your
honour and glory. May Your favour rest upon us. Hear us now as we confess in the
name of Jesus…..
Gracious and Generous God, we gather each week to be fed by your love,
trusting that you will embrace us. We confess we are not nearly so generous
with our love. We are often suspicious of others, fearful of what they seek
from us. We criticize what others do, but rarely question our own motivations.
Forgive us, O God, and awaken our generosity toward others. In Christs
name AMEN

The Letter to the Ephesians declares that Christ dwells in our hearts through faith,
for we are being rooted and grounded in his love. The forgiveness he offers is a gift
of this love that is wider and deeper than we can ever imagine. Receive God’s
forgiveness and be at peace with God, with yourself and with one another.

HYMN 64 Be still and know that I am God

1. Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am God.

2. I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord that healeth thee.
I am the Lord that healeth thee.
3.In thee, O Lord I put my trust
In thee, O Lord I put my trust
In thee, O Lord I put my trust

Speak to us through the Scriptures this day, O God. By the power of your Holy
Spirit, give us a deeper understanding of your Word for our lives and our times,
through Christ, the Living Word. Amen

Psalm 100 page 937
John 4:19-26 page 1652

I speak in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Psalm 100 tells us to shout it out. Many of us were brought up being told to do just
the opposite: “Keep your voice down.” “Don’t raise a ruckus.” But when it comes
to worshiping Yahweh, Psalm 100 claims that it’s very appropriate to turn up the
volume. These five verses roar with praise, employing a series of imperative verbs:
shout - worship - enter -praise - bless ! Taken together, these commands compel
the community to participate in a high liturgical activity, namely, singing in a grand
procession into God’s temple.
Throughout Christian history, this psalm has been employed to summon the
community together with another imperative, “Know that the Lord is God”. We
typically understand “knowing” to be an internalized mental process rather than a
specific action. Yet the Hebrew word “to know” (yd‘) actually suggests that the
people’s knowledge of Yahweh’s identity is not merely intellectual assent. It is a
deep and intimate awareness of who God is. This worship of God shapes the
community’s identity. Because God has formed them, they belong to God.
There is a renewed summons: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts
with praise” The ritual moves through all places, from the fields to the city with its
complex architecture. All of these places are appropriate to worship Yahweh, for
God is king everywhere.

The psalm ends with a simple justification for the repeated call to praise: “For the
Lord is good “.. The characteristics of God’s “steadfast love” (chesed) and
“faithfulness” (’emunah, verse 5) appear frequently in tandem in the Psalms to
describe God’s enduring commitment to God’s people. Thus we can continue to
rely on Yahweh into the future.
Had we read the previous verses in the Gospel, the story tells us about a Samaritan
woman whom Jesus meets in his travels and engages in a discussion while resting
by a well As they talk, Jesus reveals information to her that totally astounds her .
The subject then turns to worship .
Worship is a key part of our relationship with God - which we experience because
of Jesus Christ. When we worship God, we actively recognize Him as our Creator,
Savior, and King.
Worshipping God means acknowledging and celebrating His power and perfection
in gratitude. Praying, obeying, serving, and trusting in God’s guidance are all ways
of telling God how much we love and respect Him, and want to do His Will.
People worship for many reasons. We worship to recount the Christian story. We
are not just spectators but participants. We remind ourselves we are the Body of
Christ. We remind ourselves we are the church …a community which both
supports each other but also reaches out to the larger community -all pointing to
God. We are drawn into God’s presence - We are held accountable for the way in
which we fulfill our calling. The rituals of worship help us to express our deep
longings – meaning and purpose, acceptance, freedom, celebration and hope.
In many ways our worship is historical, using orders, hymns, prayers and liturgies
which have been passed down through the centuries This reminds us we are part
of a world wide church. We draw on the riches of many traditions. Jesus left us
the memorial of His death and resurrection in the Lord’s Supper, which is a very
special form of worship. For us, Holy Communion is open to baptized folks of all
denominations who are committed in faith to Jesus. We welcome all as we believe
Christ welcomed all ---
Christian faith is about everything in life - small and great - ordinary as well as
special. At the center is the belief that God in Jesus became a human being like us
and shared in the joys, sorrows, hopes and fears just as we do. Jesus came to let us
know that God loves us, forgives us and wants us to have life in its fullness. The
word of Jesus applies to our work and our worship, even to our relaxation. We

cannot be just Sunday Christians nor can Christianity be just a matter of “saving
our souls” while the rest of the world “bleeds to death.” Today the world is
beginning to recognize ecology as a fundamental basis of life. The Celtic church
had a deep sense of incarnation and the glory of God in creation.
Worship asks unnumbered questions - are we open and welcoming to the stranger
in our midst? - are we caring for those in need ? – working for God’s peace and
righteousness? Are we reminded and admit where we have failed ? – do we
remember God’s forgiveness to all who regret their failures – and mistakes - and
wish to make a new beginning? Are we changed by the spirit of his presence? Of
course we are always in his presence which is everywhere - but in worship we
deliberately place it in the front of our minds and try to experience the mystery of
Do we find ourselves loving and trusting God even more as we do things that
express our devotion in concrete acts of worship through spiritual disciplines. Ena
has been telling us for many sermons now that often we need to explore the
discipline of waiting --that waiting and listening to what God has to tell us is all
about faith and hope and trust.
When we are spiritually disciplined, we are allowing God to control our fallen
human instincts with His Own perfect wisdom, which helps us (a) to see more
clearly what He is like and(b) have a closer relationship with Him. Celebrating His
gift of salvation and other blessings, during religious holidays such as Christmas,
Easter and Thanksgiving, is a very special time of worship.
Worship is also a way to spread the Gospel message to non-believers; when others
see us worshipping God, hopefully they will realize that there is Someone Who
deserves our attention, and may discover there is a concrete way to learn more
about Him. We know Christian faith changes people - As a church community we
seek to find appropriate modern ways in worship so there are new ways to touch
the hearts of all .
Worship demonstrates both our closeness to God and our respect for God—when
we pray and when we attend worship services, it is a time to “Be still, and know
that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). But at the same time, God expects us to enjoy the
time we spend with Him—He enjoys spending time with us! AMEN

HYMN 555 Worship the Lord


Worship the Lord!
Worship the Father, , the Spirit, the Son,
raising our hands in devotion to God who is one!
Raising our hands as a sign of rejoicing,
and with our lips our togetherness voicing,
giving ourselves to a life of creativeness,
worship and work must be one.
Praying and training that we be a blessing,
and by our handiwork daily confessing:
we are committed to serving humanity,
worship and work must be one.
Called to be partners with God in creation,
honouring Christ as the Lord of the nation,
we must be ready for risk and for sacrifice,
worship and work must be one.
Bringing the bread and the wine to the table,
asking that we may be led and enabled,
truly united to build new communities,
worship and work must be one.
Now in response to the life you are giving,
help us, creator, to offer our living,
seeking a just and a healing society,
worship and work must be one.
Words © 1974 Hope Publishing Company

The story of Jesus feeding the crowd with a few loaves and fishes is a parable of
God’s power to multiply our gifts offered in Jesus’ name. So make your offering to

God as you are able, and trust that God will create abundance from what we have
to give.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly host.
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

God of abundant love, we offer our gifts to you willingly, and yet they seem so
small in a world of great need. Bless and multiply them in your love. Surprise us
with your power, working in us and through us, to accomplish worthy things in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Lord, help us to praise You in all circumstances. Help our souls to praise You, no
matter how confusing, impossible, or gloomy the path may seem. Instead of
looking at what is surrounding us, help us remember that we are safe in Your
loving hands, and that Your love will protect us from anything that may make us
feel that we are alone, defeated, or abandoned. Help us never to forget that we can
praise You in all circumstances, because You will never leave us or forsake us.
God of mystery and miracle, You offer calm in our storms and challenge in our
satisfaction. We give you thanks for all the ways we have tasted your abundance,
in friendship and fellowship, in food on our tables and protection on our streets.
Amid these everyday satisfactions, keep us mindful of those who lack the
necessities of life and who find each day unpredictable and anxious. Like Jesus’
disciples caught on the rocky sea, we fear the storms of life.
In the unrest around us, call out to us.
Come near to us, and overcome our fear.
Throughout the world and in our own communities, we witness increased
divisiveness and hatred toward those considered a threat. So many people face
turmoil in war and upheaval. In so many countries and in our own neighbourhoods,
we witness great inequity and deep need for even the staples of life. In our
communities, congregations and families, we witness uncertainty about the future
and hope for leaders who are wise and trustworthy.

In our own lives and the lives of so many others, we witness depression and anger,
anxiety and despair. We pray that you will calm the turbulence within and around
We hold before you in these moments of silence the people and places in need of
your healing presence this day. We especially pray for the people of Jasper and
the loss of so much of their community through the wild fire - also the folks in
Golden - there are so many who are evacuated and places to accommodate them
are becoming fewer. We also pray for encouragement and to uphold all the
firefighters as they engage in long exhausting hours of tough work. Bring rest and
peace to them as is needed.
We thank you that you bless this congregation in so many ways Lord. In the
coming months we need to renew our elevator and we humbly ask that you will
lead in providing us with the ability to do so . We pray for congregations that do
not have the resources to call a minister. May they find new and joyful ways to
worship and serve Christ.
Holy God we give you thanks fro the many blessing you pour out upon us
individually and corporately us every day . We remember before you
in the face of what all that may trouble us, we thank you for your steadfast love
and faithful presence, the calm centre we can claim in Jesus’ name, and so we offer
the prayer he taught us:
Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will
be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us
our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

HYMN 457

1. Now thank we all our God
with heart and hands and voices,
who wondrous things has done,
in whom God's world rejoices,
who from our mother's arms
has blessed us on our way
with countless gifts of love,

and still is ours today.
2. Oh may this bounteous God
through all our life be near us,
with ever joyful hearts
and blessed peace to cheer us,
and keep us all with grace,
and guide us when perplexed,
and free us from all ills
in this world and the next.
3. All praise and thanks to God
who reigns in highest heaven,
the Father and the Son
and Spirit now be given,
the one eternal God,
whom heaven and earth adore,
for thus it was, is now
and shall be evermore.
CCLI 11394548

Go in peace, with Christ as your friend and companion. So may the peace of Christ
attend you day by day, The power of the Spirit the strength you need ,And the
grace of God assure you that you will never walk alone.


Open my eyes that I may see
glimpses of truth thou hast for me
place in my hands the wonderful key
that shall unclasp and set me free
Silently now, I wait for thee
ready my Lord, thy will to see
open my eyes, illumine me Spirit Divine