November 24, 2024

The Reign of Christ

Passage: Psalm 93;  John 18:33-37
Service Type:

November 24, 2024 Reign of Christ



Say among the nations, The God reigns.
Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice!
The Lord is coming to judge the earth.
God will judge the world with righteousness and truth.
So let us worship God with praise and honour.
We will offer God our gratitude for all that God has done.

HYMN 267 – Rejoice, the Lord is King!

1. Rejoice, the Lord is King;
your sovereign Lord adore;
give thanks, O mortals, sing
and triumph ever more.
Lift up your heart;
lift up your voice; rejoice,
again I say, rejoice.
2. For Christ the Saviour reigns,
the God of truth and love;
when Jesus purged our stains,
he took his seat above.
Lift up your heart;
lift up your voice; rejoice,                                                                                                    again I say, rejoice.
3. His reign can never fail;
he rules o’er earth and heaven:
the keys of death and hell
are to our Saviour given.
Lift up your heart;
lift up your voice; rejoice,
again I say, rejoice.
4. He sits at God’s right hand
till all his foes submit
and bow to his command
and fall beneath his feet.
Lift up your heart;
lift up your voice; rejoice,
again I say, rejoice.
5. Rejoice in glorious hope,
for Christ the judge shall come
and take the faithful up
to their eternal home.
We soon shall hear
the archangel’s voice;
the trump of God shall sound: rejoice.
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God whose power is love, In Jesus Christ, you tipped the world
upside down. You revealed your strength through compassion,
and your power through his surrender to the Cross. In Christ,

we trust that no set back or hopeless situation can prevent your
glory from shining forth. This day we offer you our love and
loyalty in his name. With your Spirit of love, turn the world
upside down again, so that mercy prevails over those who would
rule by force, and truth triumphs over the world’s deceptions.
All honour and blessing be yours, Holy One, Father, Son and
Holy Spirit, world without end. We join together saying…..
Lord Jesus Christ,
we pray for the coming of your kingdom week by week,
but we confess we’re not really clear on what that means.
Will you come to set things straight in the world?
Will you bring all things to an end or offer us a new
beginning? Jesus, forgive us when we mix up our own
desires with your purposes for your people. Teach us how to
live out your truth. In your name we pray Amen

Remember the promise the Apostle Paul declares: What will
separate us from the love of Christ? Hardship? Distress? Peril or
sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors
through the God who loves us. Let us rejoice that, no matter
what is happening around us, no matter what we have done,
God’s deep love will never let us go

HYMN 274 – Crown him with many crowns

1. Crown him with many crowns,                                                                                    the Lamb upon the throne:
hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns
all music but its own!
Awake, my soul, and sing
of him who died to be
your Saviour and your matchless King
through all eternity.
2. Crown him the Son of God,
before the worlds began;
let all who tread where he has trod,
crown him the Son of Man,
who every grief has known
that wrings the human breast,
and takes and bears them for his own,
that all in him may rest.
3. Crown him the Lord of life,
who triumphed o’er the grave,
and rose victorious in the strife
for those he came to save.
His glories now we sing
who died and rose on high,
who died eternal life to bring,
and lives that death may die.
4. Crown him the Lord of peace
whose kingdom is at hand;
from pole to pole let warfare cease
and Christ rule every land!
A city stands on high;                                                                                                          Christ’s glory it displays,
and there the nations ‘Holy’ cry
in joyful hymns of praise.
5. Crown him the Lord of years,
the Source, the End of time,
Creator of the rolling spheres
in majesty sublime.
All hail, Redeemer, hail,
for you have died for me;
your praise shall never, never fail
through all eternity!
Public Domain

By your Word and Spirit, open our minds and hearts to your
truth. By that truth, may our thoughts and ways become a
greater reflection of yours. Amen.


Psalm 93 
John 18:33-37 

What does it mean to be called a monarch? It is  a person who
reigns over a kingdom or empire: such as- a: a sovereign ruler.
or : b; a constitutional king or queen. A kingdom is a territory
that is ruled by a king or queen. Commonly referred to as a
monarchy indicates that there is only one king or head of state,
who typically acquires their position by birth or marriage.
Kingdoms are one of the planet’s oldest types of societies.

There are not many kingdoms in the world today and the kings
of the few remaining ones have practically lost all their power
and authority. These days some kings on occasions dress and
behave just like everyone else to prevent being recognized.
There is a story of a European king travelling incognito through
his kingdom. He visited a small Church on Sunday and sat down
in an empty seat. After some time “the owner” claimed his seat
and told him to move to another seat. During the service the
minister recognized the king and announced his presence. We
can only imagine how embarrassed the “seat owner” must have
felt, not only because he did not recognize the king but also
because of the way he behaved. Many people today not only fail
to recognize the King of kings but also treat Him with
disrespect. They expect Him to fit their idea of a king by acting
and behaving the way they want. Our perceived idea of Christ
does not change the truth that Christ is the King of kings
Born in 1638, French King Louis XIV is the longest-reigning
monarch, having served as monarch for more than 72 years after
taking the throne at age four. Ruling from 1952 until her death
on Sept. 8, 2022, Queen Elizabeth II was the longest-reigning
monarch in British history, surpassing the reign of her great-
great-grandmother, Queen Victoria, who spent 63 years on the
throne between 1837 and 1901.
As of 2024, forty-three sovereign nations in the world have a
monarch, including fifteen Commonwealth realms that share
King Charles III as their head of state. Other than that, there is a
range of sub-national monarchical entities.

Biblically we learn that within the two kingdoms of Israel and
Judah, there were a total of forty-two kings over a period of
hundreds of years. Saul, David, and Solomon ruled over the
united kingdoms at various times, and then 20 kings ruled over
Israel with 19 kings ruling over Judah.
The Millennium is the 1,000-year period of peace and
righteousness following the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
who will reign over the earth during that time
The Bible tells us that Jesus is actually ruling and reigning in
Heaven right now, though we might not see it. In fact, he
upholds the entire universe by his word of his power. There will
come a day when Jesus’; kingdom will fully come, and every
knee will bow before him.
As we celebrate Reign of Christ Sunday, we find ourselves
watching Jesus’ interaction with Pilate on the eve before his
death. The Jewish authorities have handed him to the Romans in
hope they will sentence him to death, as the Priests and
Pharisees have no power to do so in their own courts. This will
be the only way they could remove this “dissident” from under
their skin.
As Pilate reluctantly interviews Jesus, he tries to get to the
bottom of what’s “truly” going on. He first asks him, “Are you
King of the Jews?” Jesus answers with a question, “Do you ask
this on your own, or did others tell you this?”
Pilate replies: “I’m not a Jew, am I?” “Your own people and the
chief priests have handed you over to me. So – what have You

Jesus answers: My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my
kingdom belonged to this world, my followers would be fighting
to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my
kingdom is not from here.” Pilate and Jesus. Kingdoms in
conflict. There are great lessons found in the tension between
these two. Yet that’s how legends get started. Other people
talking about what other people have said. Jesus was essentially
crucified on gossip and rumor. An urban legend had developed
around his ministry that he was going to lead a revolt against
“Not of this world.”  That’s what it takes to find a King who
identifies with his people. A King of heaven, a King of kings
from some place other than this world. With this answer, Jesus
removes the threat to Rome. Pilate tries again: “So, you are a
king?” Jesus answers definitively: “You call me a king. Here is
my purpose, the reason I was born and came into the world: to
testify to the truth.”  “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens
to my voice.”
Along with his many other titles –Savior, Teacher, Son of Man,
Son of God, the Bible declares that Jesus is the world’s true
King. His kingdom is unlike any this world has ever seen and
known. And coming to know and follow him as King is the
greatest adventure of our lives.
What is “The Truth”?
Pilate recognized Caesar as a king, served and obeyed him but
failed to recognize the King of Kings and had Him treated worse

than a criminal. Jesus Christ submitted to the will of the Father
and endured God’s judgement on sin to save us. He has been
given power and authority to rule as the King of kings.
Today, in the midst of the Technological Revolution, we have
moved as a society from a respect for authorities or specialists
who “know” facts and on whom we depend for our concepts of
“truth” to a society in which everyone has a voice and can
cultivate their own ideas and “truths.” In the age of the internet,
everyone becomes their own “authority.” Couple this with the
growing and pervasive influence of social media, and we
become more like pawns in a sea of “truth” — concepts from
which we can choose according to our needs.
Our world seems to be sinking into increasing global violence.
On Christ the King Sunday, as we begin our journey to the
manger, we must ask ourselves, “Who is the king of our lives?”
1925 was a dark time for the world. Even though the world has
just emerged from the war to end all wars, it was apparent that
the world was hurtling towards another war. The world was
watching, waiting for answers, and listening to powerful men
like Adolf Hitler whose Nazi party was rapidly growing in
As the world headed toward financial collapse and political
upheaval, Pope Pius XI issued a Papal encyclical on Dec. 11th
declaring “The Feast of Christ The King” which we, along with
many of our protestant brothers and sisters, celebrate today. Pius
was concerned because it appeared that people were turning
away from the rule of Christ in their lives believing there was no

place for spirituality to guide or direct human decisions or
determining more and better values.
Thus this Sunday is “Christ the King” Sunday and for very very
good reason. Going into the Christmas season… it is the perfect
time for us to remember who Christ really is and what Christ
really did so that we can put his birth into proper perspective
The text comes to us in the midst of Jesus’ trial and soon
approaching death. His accusers were people who did not
understand who Christ really was and did not understand what
Christ was really doing.
It all had to do with expectations. The Jews indeed had huge
expectations, and Jesus did not live up to those expectations at
all. Pilate even points this out. “Jesus… your own people handed
you over… your friends turned you in… your followers have
abandoned you. What kind of earthly king are you?” Jesus even
validates the observation, “if I were an earthly king, my
followers would never have allowed my capture.”
All throughout scripture, the Messiah is foretold. – Christ is a
long expected savior. However… not knowing what was “going
to be in the box once it was opened,” the Jews dreamed of a
conquering hero who would destroy all of their captors, set them
free, and be the strongest military leader they had ever seen.
And that is exactly what they expected the Messiah to be.
“For this I was born.” Jesus has always known his purpose. The
angel made the proclamation before his birth that he would
“save His people from their sins.” Throughout his life, this was
foremost in His mind. He knew that He was born to die. The

important issue of Christmas is not so much that Jesus came, but
why He came. It is important for us to fully realize going into
Christmas what his purpose was. Understand there was and is
no salvation in His birth. His sinless life in and of itself did not
provide any redemptive force. His example, as flawless as it
was, could never rescue men from their slavery to sin. Even His
teachings, the greatest truths and wisdom ever revealed to man,
could not save us from our sins.
Jesus Christ is the King of kings. He became flesh and lived
among us since only a sinless man could redeem the human
race. All of us inherited Adams sinful nature for in Adam “all
have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23).
I want to switch gears here, and bring us to the point of looking
forward into Advent… “For this I was born.” ‘Behold the lamb
of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
Here is a side to the Christmas story that the world chooses to
ignore. As you think about the tiny hands and feet of the babe in
the manger remember they were formed with the intention that
one-day nails might be driven through them affixing them to a
cross on Golgotha’s hill. That warm soft little body, wrapped in
swaddling clothes, one day would have a spear thrust through its
side. That gentle heart that pumped the royal blood of the Son of
God would be broken to provide you and me life everlasting.
Jesus Christ was born to die. In the shadow of the manager was
the cross. You and I cannot truly celebrate Christmas apart from
the broken body and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. You
can not know the joys of Christmas with out a personal
relationship with the Christ of Calvary.

As God’s beloved children we have access to His presence and
His grace. The grace of God is not only God’s undeserved
favour but also God’s empowerment to lead a new abundant life.
There is nothing we have done to deserve this. It is only because
of what Christ did on our behalf. Christ gave His life to make a
relationship with God possible. Are you enjoying the blessings
of this relationship or are you missing out on God’s blessings?
It is this King we await! It is this King to whom we owe our
loyalty and allegiance. It is to this King we willingly surrender
authority and power. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the
beginning and the end, who is and who was and who is to come.
Christ the King is coming again! This time he will not be born in
a stable, despised, rejected or crucified. He is coming as King of
Kings and Lord of Lords. Revelation 1:7 – “Look! He is coming
with the clouds, every eye will see him even those who pierced
him; and on his account all the tribes of the earth will wail. So it
is to be.
We will soon be celebrating the birth of Christ and the occasion
is giving us a unique opportunity to show how thankful we are
for all that Christ has done for us. As we begin our journey into
advent, I ask that you hold this in your hearts and remember
who Christ is, remember what Christ did, and remember WHY
Christmas is such an important holiday. In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

HYMN 758 – Christ’s is the world

Christ’s is the world in which we move
Christ’s are the folk we’re summoned to love;                                                          Christ’s is the voice which calls us to care
Christ is the one who meets us here;
To the lost Christ shows his face
To the unloved he gives his embrace
To those who cry in pain or disgrace
Christ makes with his friends a touching place
Feel for the people we most avoid –
Strange or bereaved or never employed ;
Feel for the women and feel for the men
Who feel their living is all in vain.
To the lost Christ shows his face
To the unloved he gives his embrace
To those who cry in pain or disgrace
Christ makes with his friends a touching place
Feel for the parents who lost their child,
Feel for the women whom men have defiles,
feel for the baby for whom there’s no breast,
feel for the weary who find no rest .
To the lost Christ shows his face
To the unloved he gives his embrace
To those who cry in pain or disgrace
Christ makes with his friends a touching place
Feel for the lives by life confused
Riddled with doubt, in loving abused ;
Feel for the lonely heart, conscious of sin

Longs to be pure but fears to begin.
To the lost Christ shows his face
To the unloved he gives his embrace
To those who cry in pain or disgrace
Christ makes with his friends a touching place
John L. Bell– Iona community : CCLI11394548W

On the Sunday honouring the Reign of Christ, we declare our
love and loyalty to Jesus by the gift of our praise and the
offering of our lives. Let your gifts this day proclaim your
commitment to him as our Lord and our friend.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him all creatures here below
Praise him above ye heavenly host.
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

Lord Jesus, you rule in this world through your love. Receive
our gifts as tokens of our love for you. Bless and multiply them
through the power of the Spirit, so that they will spread your
love in ways we have yet to imagine.

Almighty and everlasting God, wrapped in glory; as you are
compassionate, make us kind; as you are just, make us doers of
justice; as you are one, unite us in the name of Christ who lives

and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
Holy One, the Source, Story and Spirit of love, We praise you
for the signs of your reign among us: For hope overcoming
despair, trust rising above hurt, love prevailing over hatred, and
peace restoring harmony after discord.
Lord Jesus, Reign among us in love.
God of hope beyond fear, We pray that you will comfort this
broken world. May the vision of your peaceable kingdom take
root in your church, in our families and our community, and in
countries marked by violence and struggles for power. We pray
for the healing and wellbeing of women who experience
violence. May God’s unfailing love guide our actions to build
more equitable and just communities where all women may
flourish and violence is ended.
Lord Jesus, Reign among us in love.
God who holds us together , we pray for all we have brought
before you …..
And in the silence of this holy place we bring before you the
prayer of our hearts ….
God who mends the world, We pray for a world where
differences are met with understanding, and everyone can find a
place of dignity and respect. Shape our hearts with the kindness
of your Spirit so that all our relationships honour each person as
created in your image, and our actions demonstrate your healing

Lord Jesus, Reign among us in love.
God of life beyond death, We pray for all those who are grieving
the loss of a loved one, the loss of hope, or the loss of a dream.
Be present with each one living through a time of sadness or
discouragement. Bring them comfort through your presence, and
show us how to be good companions on the journey to renewed
hope. Lord Jesus, Reign among us in love.
As we honour the reign of Christ this Sunday, we pray for the
Church, his Body, living and working in the world. Send your
Holy Spirit to bring renewed life and commitment to each
congregation and parish. Enliven ecumenical action on needs in
every community. Open minds and hearts that have experienced
disagreement to mutual understanding. Refresh leaders and
volunteers who have grown weary with a vision of the future
you will create for us, with us and through us, in the name of
Jesus Christ, your Son, our Saviour, who taught us to pray
Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver
us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the
glory, forever. Amen.

HYMN 275 – Jesus shall reign where’er the sun

1. Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
does its successive journeys run;                                                                                          his kingdom stretch from shore to shore,
till moons shall wax and wane no more.
2. For him shall endless prayer be made,
and praises throng to crown his head;
his name like fragrance sweet shall rise
with every morning sacrifice.
3. People and realms of every tongue
dwell on his love with sweetest song;
And infant voices shall proclaim
their early blessings on his name.
4. Blessings abound where’er he reigns:
the prisoners leap to lose their chains;
The weary find eternal rest,
and all who suffer want are blest.
5. Let every creature rise and bring
the honours due our glorious King;
angels descend with songs again,
and earth repeat the long Amen.
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Jesus came into the world to testify to the truth. As those who
belong to the truth, listen to his voice. May the God of hope fill
you with all joy and peace in believing, That you may abound in
hope by the power of the Holy Spirit And the grace of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Amen


Go now in peace Never be afraid
God will go with you each hour of every day
Go now in faith, steadfast strong and true
Know He will guide you in All that you do
Go now in love and show you believe
Reach out to others so all the world can see
God will be there watching from above
Go now in peace , in faith, and in love AMEN