The Session of St. Andrew’s met Thursday January 6th in the Greening Room at the Church with the Interim Moderator Rev. Dr Teresa Charlton .Our discussions included the following :
Looking beyond our walls ; We are not here to serve ourselves but to serve Christ . While we do need to look after the finances of the building and congregational obligations we can also practice generosity. What are you passionate about ? Local, National or International Mission.? Locally we have been supporting many organizations through our “Loony Jar Offering” once a month. February donations will go to the “Coldest Night” campaign. The Women’s Shelter , Search and Rescue Unit are two which we support. Perhaps there is some other organization or need in our community which we could have outreach to. Perhaps the congregational vision is farther abroad. Let us know your thoughts and passions
We need to expand our visibility – promote events and mission though the newspaper would be one way.
* February 12th VALENTINE’S GAMES NIGHT ; 7PM Lets have an evening of Fun and Laughter with Board or other Games. Bring some snack type nibbles and invite friends and neighbours to join us and dispel some of those February Blues
* Hopefully the Guideon’s Society will be taking part in one of our Services within the next month but the date is yet to be determined
In consultation with our Interim Moderator, Sunday February 28th is a good time to hold our Annual Congregational Meeting following the regular Worship Service – with Soup and Sandwich lunch of course.
Any reports which need to be included must be handed to Marlene Martens by February 7th for preparation. These reports will be distributed to the congregation on Sunday Feb 14th
Rev. Shirley Cochrane