February’s Loonie Offering is going to go to the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue. This group relies totally on donations to fund their equipment and activities. To see how you can help click here

To Quote their webpage: (https://shuswapvsar.org/)

“Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue (SVSAR) is a group of dedicated, enthusiastic, trained individuals. We assist the RCMP, BC Ambulance Service, local Fire Departments and the Coroner by responding to emergency calls in both urban and wilderness settings.

Our mission is to locate lost and injured persons, assist them, and transport them to safety.”

To give directly to the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue, follow this link: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/12580

To donate through St. Andrew’s send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to: standrews1981@outlook.com. Please mark your donations as Loonie Offering.