January’s Loonie Offering is going to go to the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue. This group relies totally on donations to fund their equipment and activities. To see how you can help click here

To Quote their webpage: (https://shuswapvsar.org/)

“Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue (SVSAR) is a group of dedicated, enthusiastic, trained individuals. We assist the RCMP, BC Ambulance Service, local Fire Departments and the Coroner by responding to emergency calls in both urban and wilderness settings.

Our mission is to locate lost and injured persons, assist them, and transport them to safety.”

To give directly to the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue, follow this link: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/12580

To donate through St. Andrew’s send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to: standrews1981@outlook.com. Please mark your donations as Loonie Offering.

December’s Loonie offering is going to the SAFE House in Salmon Arm. We hope you will give generously to help out those who are struggling at this time. For many the Christmas season is very stressful and the impacts are very evident at the SAFE house. For more information please click here


The Shuswap Area Family Emergency Society (SAFE) was established in 1979 by a group of women in the community who recognized the need for a women’s shelter/safe haven for women experiencing violence in the home.

To find out more, get help, get involved, or donate please visit their webpage by clicking here.

 If you wish to financially partner in any of the work of St Andrew’s you may send your donations to; St. Andrews Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to standrews1981@outlook.com (please specify what your gift is for eg: December Loonie Offering)


November’s Loonie Offering will be going to the Salvation Army Lighthouse. We pray that those in need may be fed, clothed, and sheltered as winter approaches. click here for more info

The Lighthouse Shelter

441 3rd St. SW Salmon Arm, BC., V1E 1V4 and 191 2nd Ave. NE

(250) 832 – 9166    Salvation Army webpage click here



you may also send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to standrews1981@outlook.com

Please mark your donation “Loonie Offering”. Thank you for your support.

August’s Loonie Offering will be going to March of Dimes Canada (Community Brain Injury Services) formerly NOSBIS. Click here for more information.

The legacy of NOSBIS has been passed on to March of Dimes Canada. The Board of Directors is confident that with the local staff under the supervision and direction of the Victoria-based Regional Manager and supported by the Ontario-based national office, the needs of brain-injured individuals and their families in our community will continue to be well-met under the management of March of Dimes Canada.

During this time of transition, additional information may be obtained by contacting:

March of Dimes Canada-Community Brain Injury Services at jnayda@marchofdimes.ca
PO Box 580, Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 4N7 | Phone 250-515-0845

BC web Page for March of Dimes

July’s Loonie Offering will be going to help out The Cariboo House Churches. To find out more about these good people doing a good work click here.

“The primary Mission of the Cariboo House Churches continues to be to reach out with the love of Jesus Christ to people who live beyond the traditional church, especially but not exclusively in the rural and remote areas of the Cariboo-Chilcotin region. “

Gifts for this ministry can be sent by cheque to:

Cariboo House Churches,

1450 Eleventh th Ave. N, Williams Lake BC  V2G 3X2

You will receive a tax deductible receipt.


Click below to donate through ‘Canada Helps’


You can also send an e-transfer to


Click here for their web page


June’s Loonie Offering will be going to the Senior High School Careers (Apprenticeship) program. It will be used to help fund personal protective equipment and other necessary items that may be required for those who do not have the means to do so. (For info on how to support this cause click here)

You can donate by sending your donations to; St. Andrews Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to standrews1981@outlook.com

Be sure to mark your donation High School Careers Program                             or June’s Loonie Offering.

Thank you for your support of our local young adults and students.


May’s Loonie Offering will be going to the Vernon Live Well Clinic to help with pregnancy support to people in our area. For more information please click here.

Vernon Live Well Clinic Logo

Scope of Care

  • Vernon Live Well Clinic (VLWC) is a faith based charity that provides specific health care and support services.

  • VLWC provides confirmation of pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections screening and limited treatment at no cost to you.

  • VLWC does not provide or assist in arranging for abortions; ongoing prenatal care; contraceptives (birth control); or clinical counselling.

Click here to see our full list of services

Clients must visit their family doctor for ongoing health care needs. If clients do not have a family physician or primary care provider, they will be provided with information about local  walk-in clinics.

Help us Help others

Make a difference in the lives of our clients.


         Call 778.475.6016  If you reach our voice mail, please leave a message with your                 name and phone number and we will return your call as soon as able.


    Send your donation to: Vernon Live Well Clinic
    3504 30 St Street, Vernon BC V1T 5E8.

  • If you’d like to consider becoming a REGULAR MONTHLY DONOR, we would be happy to set you up on a pre-authorized debit with your bank. Just give us a call at 778.475.6016 or send an email to office@vernonpregnancy.com.