Category: Uncategorized
Maundy Thursday
The Maundy Thursday service will be held on April 18 at 7:00 with a celebration of Holy Communion. We will be blessed to have the Children’s Choir singing Jesus loves me and the Youth Choir singing The Servant Song as a part of our worship. All are welcome to attend.
Palm Sunday
Come and experience the chaos and confusion of Holy Week as the same people who sang “Hosanna” at the triumphal entry shouted “Crucify Him” as Jesus stood before Pilate.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the PWS&D Christmas Card Project. At a quick glance the amount of money we raised can provide for a number of projects, including a cow for a vulnerable woman, AND seeds for a family garden plot, AND fruit trees for a family. Or any number of combinations of the above projects. Your generosity will make a huge difference in the lives of many vulnerable families. Peace and Blessings for Christmas.
Thank you Natalia, St. Andrew’s Children’s & Youth Choirs and the Cantabile String Ensemble, for a wonderful evening of Christmas Music. It was enjoyed by the full house and all the proceeds went to “The Shuswap Children’s Association” to help fund a new program called “The Nest” which helps Children under the age of six who have autism, as well as their parents. To see a video of the Children’s and Youth Choir singing Silent Night (click here) and follow the links.
The Advent Season is upon us. Be sure to join us at St. Andrew’s on Saturday December 8th, at 7:00 pm as the Youth and Children’s Choir present “The Christmas Rose”; a concert you do not want to miss!
Remember to check out the “Space for God” tab at the top of the page and join us Wednesday nights for a great evening of study and conversation. We hope to see you there. Just two weeks left.
Thank you to Rev. Dr. Peter Coutts for leading our Fall Workshop entitled “In the Belly of the Whale” check it out by clicking here.
2018-17 Oct 26-28 – Belly of the Whale Seminar
For audio of Saturday and Sunday Sermon click on the following:
What a great Harvest Dinner we had Saturday evening. (click here to check it out)
2018-16 Oct 6 – Harvest Dinner and Auction click here