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We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving as we reflect on the blessing that God has bestowed on each of us.
This past week we were shocked and saddened by the sudden passing of our beloved sister in the Lord, Norma Speller. Norma suffered a massive heart attack on Monday and was found in her neighbour’s garden. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends, especially her son Wayne. A service for Norma will be held August 12 at 10:30 am, here at the Church.
Today St. Andrew’s added two more Elders to the Session; Reny Hanna by Ordination and Lynn Francis, already an Elder, by affirmation. We thank God for Reny and Lynn’s willingness to serve on the Session of St. Andrew’s. St. Andrew’s also celebrated with Deborah James as she became a member of the congregation by profession of Faith. Welcome Deborah, Reny and Lynn, may God bless you all as we together continue on in this journey of Faith. (click here for a link to photos)
What a joy it was to have Natalia and the Children’s Choir, sing at our Worship Service today. Their skill and confidence has steadily improved through-out the year; thank you all for your dedication to the Choir. To hear them click on this post
We at St Andrew’s continue to pray for a Minister that God will call to ministry in Salmon Arm. We rejoice in the process and trust that God has just the right person, who will find St Andrew’s to be just the right congregation. If you are feeling a call to small town ministry, in a congregation with big town hearts, check out our congregational profile at the bottom of the “Welcome” page.
St Andrew’s extends a huge thank you to Natalia Stoney, our Music Director, for putting together a fantastic Grand Concert. Thank you to all the performers and our MC, Don Cann. $715 was raised for the S.A.F.E. Society, thank you to everyone who supported this venue. To see more click here.
Grand Concert Click Here