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It was a joy to welcome our Summer Student Roberto DeSandoli, back to the pulpit this morning to lead us all in Worship. You can hear Roberto’s sermon by clicking on the “Sermons” tab above.
Springtime Melodies, a Grand Concert to benefit the SAFE Society of Salmon Arm – the Women’s Shelter. Sunday May 29 2016 at 7:00 pm. Come to St. Andrews and enjoy a special night of music for an excellent cause. Admission is by donation and you are free to give what you will but we would suggest $10 / person; you will not be disappointed.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Fort MacMurray who have been affected by the wild fires. Donations to support immediate relief and long-term rebuilding may be made to Presbyterian World Service and Development for “Alberta Fires”. Funds will be used in consultation with presbyteries and local congregations to support Presbyterian, ecumenical and other relief efforts. Check for more updates.
Sunday May 1st we will be welcoming our summer student minister, Roberto De Sandoli, to the congregation. Rev. Dr. Teresa Charlton, our interm moderator, will lead the service which will be followed by a pot luck luncheon. Plan to come and welcome Roberto to St. Andrews and Salmon Arm.
Our web server has gone through a most difficult time in the past month; the result has been an unreliable web page for St Andrews. I thank you all for your patience and I hope all the issues have been sorted out and things are back to normal now.
This is a very well written article that speaks to what mainline Churches are about. Don’t be put off by the tittle “Donald Trump and a Tale of Two Gospels” (Click here to read it)
Click on this link:
Session Report for January 2016 (click here)
The Session of St. Andrew’s met Thursday January 6th in the Greening Room at the Church with the Interim Moderator Rev. Dr Teresa Charlton .Our discussions included the following :
Looking beyond our walls ; We are not here to serve ourselves but to serve Christ . While we do need to look after the finances of the building and congregational obligations we can also practice generosity. What are you passionate about ? Local, National or International Mission.? Locally we have been supporting many organizations through our “Loony Jar Offering” once a month. February donations will go to the “Coldest Night” campaign. The Women’s Shelter , Search and Rescue Unit are two which we support. Perhaps there is some other organization or need in our community which we could have outreach to. Perhaps the congregational vision is farther abroad. Let us know your thoughts and passions
We need to expand our visibility – promote events and mission though the newspaper would be one way.
* February 12th VALENTINE’S GAMES NIGHT ; 7PM Lets have an evening of Fun and Laughter with Board or other Games. Bring some snack type nibbles and invite friends and neighbours to join us and dispel some of those February Blues
* Hopefully the Guideon’s Society will be taking part in one of our Services within the next month but the date is yet to be determined
In consultation with our Interim Moderator, Sunday February 28th is a good time to hold our Annual Congregational Meeting following the regular Worship Service – with Soup and Sandwich lunch of course.
Any reports which need to be included must be handed to Marlene Martens by February 7th for preparation. These reports will be distributed to the congregation on Sunday Feb 14th
Rev. Shirley Cochrane
Coffee Meeting Report From January 14 2016 (click here)
January weather must have played a part in the attendance at the Coffee Meeting held on Thursday. Rev. Teresa Charlton meet with four people from the congregation so our conversation was very informal. However Teresa was able to share a lot about how the Presbyterian Church polity develops on how we do things. Unlike a Congregationalist church which governs itself, makes its own rules, policies, procedures and sometimes theology, The Presbyterian Church in Canada has procedures which are developed through the courts of the church, namely sessions ,presbyteries, synods and General Assembly. Historically the PCC has its roots in the Presbyterian Church in Scotland when several ministers from Scotland settled in the what became the maritime provinces. Likewise the Presbyterian form of Reformed Theology and church government has its roots in the reformation when John Knox studied with the Reformers in Geneva , taking back Reformation theology and policies and establishing the Church in Edinburgh Scotland.
Sometimes it feels like the “wheels grind very slowly” through our church governance but in the long run, it allows for informed decisions which are beneficial to all.
As we as a congregation look forward to the next steps, we have a large say in what we want as our ministry – including what we want to support in looking beyond our walls in mission
As we continue the Challenge of Change, steps include being analytical, strategic, creative , and seeing our potential . Consider;
Reality – knowing where we are now ; understanding how others perceive us: having a sense of our strengths, resources , attitudes and values; reliance on facts; Courage – willingness to take initiative and risk – looking at the Big Picture – where do we want to be in the next year – three years – five years. Generosity of Spirit – caring and sharing by respecting others- having compassion for the pain and fear which comes with change.
No date has been set for the next Coffee Meeting but there may be time set aside at the Annual Meeting for a discussion of what we want to create together in the core of our congregational vision and goals