Your Favourite Christmas Carols & Hymn ‘Sing Along’ St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Monday: 7:00 p.m. December 21, 2015 To learn more click on this script

Your Favourite Christmas Carols

& Hymn ‘Sing Along’

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

Monday: 7:00 p.m. December 21, 2015

1981 9th Avenue NE Salmon Arm (near the bowling alley)

By donation; proceeds to Salmon Arm’s Food Banks

Performance by Andrew Stoney and Richard Good

Ho Ho Ho & Eggnog Too ! !

Today, November 1st Rev. Woldy preached his last sermon as our minister. We at St. Andrew’s have been blessed by Woldy,s ministry among us and not only that we have been blessed by his family, Cathy and Ainsley, as well. Our thoughts and prayers go with you all as you embark on a new chapter in your lives; even as your prayers will be with us at St. Andrew’s as we too begin a new chapter in the life of our congregation. May the Love of God, the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Peace of the Holy Spirit be with you and sustain you in all you do Woldy, Cathy, & Ainsley.!433&authkey=!AFClJ56xfXNhMiM&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg