Thank you Andrew Stoney for bringing a wonderful group of performers together for the Grand Concerts held Friday night and Sunday afternoon.

The concerts raised just over $1200 for the SAFE Society (The Womens Shelter). Thank you to all the performers who donated their time and showcased their skillfull musical abilities. We all were blessed by being there.

Here is a sample that was performed at the worship service Sunday morning. “Washed in the Blood” (medley) performed by Cherish and Madelyn Stoney


Articles on Same Sex Issues

The following are links to various sites dealing with the Christian Church and same sex issues. It must be pointed out that these sites may or may not reflect the views of St Andrew’s Salmon Arm and The Presbyterian Church in Canada. It is the Sessions hope that they will provide you with good information to facilitate a caring and informed discussion, lead by the Holy Spirit of God, on February 21 2015 (see calendar).

List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality

Would Jesus Discriminate

The Presbyterian Church In Canada