The Session (the Minister and Elders) of St. Andrew’s would like to thank those who supported the Loonie Offerings during 2020. A total of $2776 was received and donated to the various charities. Click here for details.

The 2020 Loonie Offerings went to the following Charities:

NOSBIS (North Okanagan Shuswap Brain Injury Support) – $115

Coldest Night of the Year – $75

Hospice Society – $100

Second Harvest – $460

Pregnancy Support – $110

PWS&D Covid Support – $560

Immigrant Family (coming soon to Salmon Arm) – $387

Doctors Without Borders – $524

St. Andrew’s Hall (on the UBC Campus) – $105

Salvation Army Lighthouse – $150

SAFE House – $190

Total given – $2776

Thank you all.


January’s Loonie Offering is going to go to the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue. This group relies totally on donations to fund their equipment and activities. To see how you can help click here

To Quote their webpage:

“Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue (SVSAR) is a group of dedicated, enthusiastic, trained individuals. We assist the RCMP, BC Ambulance Service, local Fire Departments and the Coroner by responding to emergency calls in both urban and wilderness settings.

Our mission is to locate lost and injured persons, assist them, and transport them to safety.”

To give directly to the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue, follow this link:

Decembers Loonie Offering is going to the SAFE House. We hope you will help out by either donating directly or through St. Andrew’s for more info click here.

To donate directly to the SAFE House or see other ways you can help, click here to go to their site.

To donate through St. Andrew’s send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to: Please mark your donations as Loonie Offering.

During Advent each year we at St. Andrew’s support a PWS&D project (Presbyterian World Service and Development) in lieu of sending each other Christmas cards. Since we are unable to gather together for worship right now we don’t have the opportunity to sign up. Here is our project for 2020. If you wish to make a donation to the project between now and December 20, email Janet ( your name for our big Christmas card (in the hopes we will be able to hang it) and send your donation to the church by mail or e-transfer – marked for PWS&D. Blessings. (click here for more info)

Donate Button No Copyright, HD Png Download, Free Download  If you wish to donate you may send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to

Novembers Loonie Offering is going to “The Salvation Army Lighthouse”. We pray that those in need may be fed, clothed, and sheltered as winter approaches. (Click here for info on how to give)

The Lighthouse Shelter

441 3rd St. SW Salmon Arm, BC., V1E 1V4 and 191 2nd Ave. NE

(250) 832 – 9166


you may also send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to

Please mark your donation “Loonie Offering”. Thank you for your support.

Septembers Loonie offering is going to a cause that we have never supported before; “Doctors Without Borders – Canada” (click here to find out more)

Traditionally the Session tries to keep the Loonie offerings close to home but this month we have decided to support a worthy organization doing a good work in the hardest hit areas of our world. Doctors Without Borders Canada (click to view their webpage).

“Founded to save lives and speak out, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is a Nobel Prize-winning emergency humanitarian medical organization that has helped tens of millions of people since its founding in 1971. MSF now has more than 40,000 staff members on the front lines of humanitarian crises in close to 70 countries.”

“It is easy to write inspiring words to define an organization’s mission – it is much harder to put those principles into practice. At the core of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)’s identity is a commitment to independence, neutrality and impartiality. These are the MSF principles.

These ideals have driven every aspect of our work – from medical care and logistics to finance and communications – since MSF was established in 1971.

Our commitment to these principles, and the impact of the organization built on them, was recognized in 1999 when we were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The prize was accepted by then MSF International President, Dr. James Orbinski.”

You can give your Loonie offering in three ways:

1 Place your gift in the Loonie jar at Church (it will not be receipted)

2 Place your gift in the collection plate designated to Loonie offering; or mail your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to designated to Loonie offering. (these gifts will be receipted by St. Andrew’s)

3 Give directly to Doctors Without Borders via their website (above) or the address below.

Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Canada

551 Adelaide Street West,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5V 0N8
+1 (800) 982-7903


PLEASE HELP PWS&D RELIEF EFFORTS in LEBANON (for more info click here)

If you wish to help you may do so through the St. Andrew’s, marking your donation PWS&D “Lebanon Crisis.”, or follow the links in the info below.


We join with those around the world who are praying for the people affected by the terrible disaster in Beirut.

Thousands have been injured and hundreds of thousands of people have become homeless. Additionally, much of the food in Lebanon, which is imported due to limited production capacity, was destroyed by the explosions—exacerbating food insecurity in a country already affected by COVID-19 and a severe economic crisis.

PWS&D has been providing support to Syrian refugees and host communities in Lebanon through ACT Alliance and Canadian Foodgrains Bank partners for several years. These partners are on the ground, actively assessing the situation to determine how best to respond.

Between August 4 and 24, the Government of Canada is matching all donations made to the Humanitarian Coalition and its members, up to $2 million. Through our membership in Canadian Foodgrains Bank (a member of the Humanitarian Coalition) gifts to PWS&D are eligible to be matched.

You can also make a gift through your church, by mailing a cheque or by calling 1-800-619-7301 x291. Please mark your donation “Lebanon Crisis.”

Please give generously today. 

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