More ways to Help (click here)

How Can We Help in these uncertain Times?

At St. Andrew’s, the answer to this question has been crafted to fit the circumstances.  Session has stated that the Loonie Offering for APRIL is to go to Second Harvest Food Bank.  With no “collection” possible at the present time, we are encouraging everyone to support this Ministry by simply making a Cash donation through the mail.  Cheques can be mailed to:

Neighbourlink Shuswap

Box 741

Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E 4N8

Please make your cheque payable to Second Harvest Food Bank

Our Church has a long history in Salmon Arm supporting the work of Neighbourlink who, in turn, operate the Second Harvest Food Bank.  Recently, we placed a box in the Narthex for donations of personal hygiene items. Non-perishable food items have also been collected during Communion services as well.  With the current isolation situation, these methods of donation are not possible.  Please consider your support in monetary terms as you feel the Lord’s leading.

Second Harvest continues to operate, and we see the needs increasing as the pandemic progresses.  At this time, with “Social Distancing” measures, the volunteers are preparing hampers in the facility and simply handing them out during their operating hours.  If you are looking for a way to serve this ministry, please call Don Cann to discuss the options.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of Neighbourlink Shuswap and the community of Salmon Arm, I will take this opportunity to Thank You for your support.

Helping Others (click here)

Hello all:  We often ask how can we be the church in isolation… well, today I learned about an initiative of the BC Government to help connect volunteers with seniors.  My mother’s doctor contacted her and said that he was ordering her to stay at home.  I suspect other seniors are in the same situation.  Not everyone has a family member to run errands, get groceries or just give a quick call.  So if you can do more than you are already doing in regard to our own congregation, please consider this request.  To register to help, or to request help you can do so at BC211 online or 211 phone line.  Let us continue to prayerfully consider how to be the Church at this time.

Options for Church Offerings (click here)

St Andrew’s now has the ability to receive donations by e-transfer. The email address for e-transfers is:

The simplest way to donate to the work of the church on an ongoing basis is to join our PAR (pre-authorized remittance) program; you can do so by talking to Diane Bylsma or Janet Hanna. For more info on PAR (click here)

You may also mail cheques to the Church’s address: 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 Thank you to our church family for all your support. God bless you as you do what is necessary to stay healthy through this time.


Wow; can you imagine what heaven is going to be like? The praise, the choir of angels, the eternal joy; heaven will be a celebration, a party, an adventure. Our worship on Sunday should be a foretaste of heaven; a party, an adventure. To hear more about this listen to Rev. Ena’s sermon from the 19th entitled “Party? Adventure? Come and See!” . (click here or check out the Sermons tab)