May 21, 2023

Blessing and Ascension

Passage: Psalm 47;   Acts 1: 1-11;   Luke 24: 44-53  
Service Type:


May 21, 2023  Ascension 

Entry of the Bible 

Lighting the Christ Candle 

Welcome and Announcements 

Called to Worship: 

A new day has begun.  Hope wins!
A fresh start is granted.  Faith wins!
Today you have the opportunity to do something new.  Hope wins!
Christ is entering our lives in a new way.  Faith wins!
Come, let us worship God, who is inviting us into life in a new way, a way that transcends death, a way of hope and faith. Love wins!
Let us worship Christ, who overcame death to give us new life!  Hope wins!  Faith wins!  Love wins! 

Hymn:   267  Rejoice the Lord is King

Prayer of Adoration

Almighty God, 

We come today reminded of your greatness and glory, your sovereign power and eternal purpose all expressed so wonderfully in Jesus Christ, our Lord, Risen and Ascended. 

We praise you for the wonder of Ascension, that marvelous yet mysterious moment in the life of the Apostles which left them gazing heavenwards in confusion yet departing in joy. 

As we grasp the deeper meaning of Ascension today, give us a deeper sense of wonder, a stronger faith, and a greater understanding of all you have done,  that faith may we live each day to his glory and honour. Amen. 


Unison Prayer of Confession: 

We think of you as a victorious conqueror, Jesus and that we love in your corner living as you have shown us to live, and safe from what threatens us because of your strong presence.
But, then you speak about gathering all things together, of unity and reconciliation, of love and sharing, of filling all things with yourself.  You invite us into a conversation, not a conquest, into dialogue, not dominion, into the power of love, not the love of power.  We have not always lived out that calling, and we vow to do better.
We praise you, Ascended One, for refusing to hoard your power and glory, for including us  in your holy community.  Amen.

Assurance of Pardon 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honour at God’s right hand—this same power is at work in each one of us who believe! 

Have confidence and peace, knowing that God’s presence and power go are with you, and that his gift of forgiveness is eternal.  Amen. 


The Peace 

The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you….
Passing the Peace 

Hymn:  363 All hail the power of Jesus name




Scripture Lessons:
Psalm 47  
Acts 1: 1-11  
Luke 24: 44-53  

Sermon:  Blessing and Ascension 

The deathbed blessing is an important part of the Biblical teaching.  We see it, when the Father is preparing for death;  he calls his sons to them and gives them a blessing.  In that blessing there is a transference of authority, property, power and responsibility.  It actually began with the blessing of Melchizedek, who blessed Abraham saying,  “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth.  And blessed be God Most High, who has defeated your enemies for you.”   Genesis 14: 19, 20 

That blessing has been passed down from generation to generation ever since.  Abraham to Isaac, Isaac to Jacob, Jacob to his 12 sons, who are the tribes of Israel. 

Let’s look at the blessing Isaac gives: 

May God give you
    of Heaven’s dew
    and Earth’s bounty of grain and wine.
May peoples serve you
    and nations honor you.
You will master your brothers,
    and your mother’s sons will honor you.
Those who curse you will be cursed,
    those who bless you will be blessed.  MSG 

When we look at the full story, we know that this blessing was meant for Esau, but was stolen by Jacob.  However, the blessing once given, cannot be reassigned. 

Why is that detail important to us? 

We see that this blessing now belonged to Jacob and in time Jacob gave a blessing to each of his 12 sons as he prepared for death.   

So, the importance of the blessing flows into future generations, and the person to whom it has been given, is the one responsible for passing the blessing on. 

However, something else is also true.  If I am given a blessing, I am free to share with you at any time, if that’s what I want to do.   

And that is what Jesus wants to do.  He has been given a blessing by God.  We don’t need to steal his blessing; he freely gives it to us.  

Today we see Jesus give that blessing to the disciples, but also to the church that would arise from their witness.  From there to the church, through to and including the present day and the church that will carry on the work until the day Jesus returns.  From this we come to understand that the Patriarchal Blessing contains chapters from the eternal possibilities available to the children of God. 

Let’s look at that blessing of Jesus again, this time from the Message where Jesus gives the disciples the knowledge of, “a total life-change through the forgiveness of sins proclaimed in his name to all nations—starting from Jerusalem! [The disciples are] the first to hear and see it. …the witnesses.  

Jesus continues to speak to them saying:  What comes next is very important: I am sending what my Father promised to you, so stay here in the city until he arrives, until you’re equipped with power from on high.” 

50-51 He then led them out of the city over to Bethany. Raising his hands he [continued to] bless them, and while blessing them, made his exit, being carried up to heaven.”  MSG 

What does this blessing include: 

We receive:  a life change through the forgiveness of sins for the people of all nations.   

This means that we will be freed from the old nature, which held us bound to a life of sin, and given the grace to live our lives fully empowered as the children of God.  We are blessed to be the well-loved child, who lives in the security of God’s love.  

We also receive:  the gift of the Holy Spirit which is promised to us by God. 

This means that each one of us will be filled with the same power that filled the ministry of Jesus.   

The same Holy Spirit will open the Scriptures to us as we read them.   

The same Holy Spirit will give us the power to be witnesses to God, even to the ends of the earth.   

The same Holy Spirit will fill us with the grace and mercy that filled all that Jesus did and said with the fullness of the power of God’s love.  

All of this is possible for the church, and all the believers who are a part of it, because Jesus had fulfilled all that was required of him in his death and resurrection.  The blessing for that work was his and even though he still lives, he gives that blessing to those of us who have not earned it.  Unlike Jacob we don’t have to steal it, we are simply given it.   

In Ephesians chapter 3 we read:   As you read over what I have written to you, you’ll be able to see for yourselves into the mystery of Christ. None of our ancestors understood this. Only in our time has it been made clear by God’s Spirit through his holy apostles and prophets of this new order. The mystery is that people who have never heard of God and those who have heard of him all their lives (what I’ve been calling outsiders and insiders) stand on the same ground before God. They get the same offer, same help, same promises in Christ Jesus. The Message is accessible and welcoming to everyone, across the board.  MSG 

Paul goes on in that letter to write that he was the least qualified to receive the blessing of the Spiritual gifts, and reminded his readers that if was able to receive the blessing, so will they be.  And as a part of the current church on earth:  SO WILL WE BE. 

That this blessing will be ongoing is seen in the way in which Jesus simply departed this earth, while he was giving the blessing.  It seems that whereas death is a part of the patriarchal blessing and passing on of rights and privileges, so too is the Ascension a part of the Heavenly blessing and the rights and privileges that accompany it. 

The Ascension is a necessary part of the blessing, and Jesus continues to give it to this present day. 


We have already touched on the gift of the Holy Spirit, which falls on each one of us, and provides us with all the tools, gifts, talents and wisdom we need to be witnesses for God on earth. 

But when I ponder what Jesus does for the church from his unique place on God’s right hand, I see how this blessing is given again and again to each believer as they go through the joys and trials of life.   

Scripture records in Hebrews:   

Jesus, a priest like Melchizedek, not by genealogical descent but by the sheer force of resurrection life—he lives!—“priest forever in the royal order of Melchizedek.” Hebrews 7: 15  MSG 

Paul continues saying:  Jesus!—a way that does work, that brings us right into the presence of God, is put in its place.  V 19 

But then God intervened and called this new, permanent priesthood into being with an added promise: 

God gave his word;
    he won’t take it back:
“You’re the permanent priest.” 

This makes Jesus the guarantee of a far better way between us and God—one that really works! A new covenant. V 20-22 

Paul continues, to remind us that that the priesthood of Jesus is permanent. “He’s there from now to eternity to save everyone who comes to God through him, and is always on the job to speak up for them.” V 25 

Ah… but there is yet another part to this Ascension blessing.  We are reminded that we are co-heirs with Jesus.  That means that what Jesus has, we have. 

We have the Holy Spirit, we have Jesus interceding on our behalf AND we also have direct access to the ear of God ourselves.  Our prayers are heard by him as if Jesus spoke them.  That is why it is so important to pray with the knowledge of God’s will and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. 

This Ascension Blessing that we have been given, has all of the privileges given to Jesus.  This blessing has all the power given to Jesus.  This blessing gives us full access to God and the knowledge of his will.    

This blessing—is  ours, to keep forever.  As with everything else we have in God, this blessing is eternal. 

Let us go forth in the blessing of God.  Amen 


Hymn:  372 Praise him, praise him

Offering and Offertory
Doxology 830

Offertory Prayer 

As people of faith, we have gathered to worship you.  As people of faith, we have brought our tithes and offerings to honour you.  We ask that you receive all that we have brought, bless it and us and send your grace out into the world.  Amen 


Gathering Prayer Requests 
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer 

Today, Jesus, we are faced with a wonderful truth to proclaim;  we praise you and celebrate you as Ascended Lord.  We rejoice that you make a difference in our world, and so today we ask you to set the world right, and bring it all under your care and watch.  

We praise you and celebrate you as God among us;  and we ask you to set right the broken dreams and hopes in the world.  And where we may be your answer, send us, we pray. 

We pray in joy 

WE pray for the needs of your people 

We pray for the needs of your world.   

And we pray as you taught us: saying,  

Beating the Bounds 

This has been an Ascension day practice in many Christian traditions for centuries, and we started this tradition during the pandemic.  WE continue it, as a part of the blessing that we received in Jesus through the Ascension and share it with all those who live and work in our neighbourhoods.  I urge you to continue the Ascension Beating of the Bounds in your neighbourhoods in the days to come.   

Holy God, on this Ascension Day we remember that we are called to be your light in our neighbourhoods.  So today, we pray for the neighbourhood in which we reside.   

We thank you for the fellowship we share with Grace Church and pray that you will lead them in your Spirit to grow and prosper. 

We thank you for the people in the houses in the streets that surround us.  Bless each household as they may have need.  Help the people to prosper in this time of recession, fill them with hope and guide them in their daily living. 

We pray for the businesses that are in our immediate neighbourhood.  We bring before you the Bowling Alley, Yans Restaurant, Lakeside Toyota and Nico’s Nurseryland, the Coop gas station  and ask that you would direct them in the ways they provide for the residents of our city.  Bless their workers and staff and help them to prosper. 

We pray for the business across the highway, trusting that will bless the workers and staff and provide encouragement to all who labour there.  We remember The Comfort Inn, Askews, North yards Orchard and Cidery.  May the prosper as they provide for our needs. 

We also pray for Cornerstone Christian Reformed Church that they may be blessed and be a blessing. 

We pray for all those places that provide services to the community.  For the  RCMP station, asking you to keep all the officers safe as they work for the security and safety of our community. 

We pray for the new medical clinic and it staff.  May they care for all their patients with compassion and be blessed with your grace. 

We pray for the Shaw Centre and the Pool that their staff may have joy in providing for young and old.  Help staff and participants alike to know your grace and your mercy every day. 

We pray for the students and staff at Okanagan College that they may all know the joy and discovery of learning.  Guide them in all that they do with your Spirit. 

And we pray for ourselves that we might be good neighbours, warm, welcoming and loving to all of our neighbours that in us they may see and find your blessing.  

In Jesus name.  Amen 

Hymn:  274  Crown him with many crowns

Charge and Benediction 

Go out into the world. and in your words and in your lives bear witness to the Christ who has ascended to be everywhere present. 

And as you come to know him, may God give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, may Christ Jesus lift up his hands and  bless you, and may the Spirit open to you all the riches of Christ’s inheritance.  Amen 

Sung Blessing

and 3-Fold Amen