May’s Loonie Offering will be going to the Vernon Live Well Clinic to help with pregnancy support to people in our area. For more information please click here.

Vernon Live Well Clinic Logo

Scope of Care

  • Vernon Live Well Clinic (VLWC) is a faith based charity that provides specific health care and support services.

  • VLWC provides confirmation of pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections screening and limited treatment at no cost to you.

  • VLWC does not provide or assist in arranging for abortions; ongoing prenatal care; contraceptives (birth control); or clinical counselling.

Click here to see our full list of services

Clients must visit their family doctor for ongoing health care needs. If clients do not have a family physician or primary care provider, they will be provided with information about local  walk-in clinics.

Help us Help others

Make a difference in the lives of our clients.


         Call 778.475.6016  If you reach our voice mail, please leave a message with your                 name and phone number and we will return your call as soon as able.


    Send your donation to: Vernon Live Well Clinic
    3504 30 St Street, Vernon BC V1T 5E8.

  • If you’d like to consider becoming a REGULAR MONTHLY DONOR, we would be happy to set you up on a pre-authorized debit with your bank. Just give us a call at 778.475.6016 or send an email to