June’s Loonie Offering will be going to the Senior High School Apprenticeship program. It will be used to help fund personal protective equipment and other necessary items that may be required for those who do not have the means to do so.

If you wish to financially support this Loonie Offering you may send your donations to:

St. Andrew’s Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2

or e-transfer to standrews1981@outlook.com

Please specify as June Loonie Offering

May’s Loonie Offering will be going to the Vernon Live Well Clinic to help with pregnancy support to people in our area. For more information please click here.

Vernon Live Well Clinic Logo

Scope of Care

  • Vernon Live Well Clinic (VLWC) is a faith based charity that provides specific health care and support services.

  • VLWC provides confirmation of pregnancy, sexually-transmitted infections screening and limited treatment at no cost to you.

  • VLWC does not provide or assist in arranging for abortions; ongoing prenatal care; contraceptives (birth control); or clinical counselling.

Click here to see our full list of services

Clients must visit their family doctor for ongoing health care needs. If clients do not have a family physician or primary care provider, they will be provided with information about local  walk-in clinics.

Help us Help others

Make a difference in the lives of our clients.


         Call 778.475.6016  If you reach our voice mail, please leave a message with your                 name and phone number and we will return your call as soon as able.


    Send your donation to: Vernon Live Well Clinic
    3504 30 St Street, Vernon BC V1T 5E8.

  • If you’d like to consider becoming a REGULAR MONTHLY DONOR, we would be happy to set you up on a pre-authorized debit with your bank. Just give us a call at 778.475.6016 or send an email to office@vernonpregnancy.com

St. Andrew’s was saddened by the passing of our dear sister in the Lord Maye Cann. Maye will be missed by all who knew her but none more so than her husband of 50 years Don Cann. Maye served on the Board of Managers for many years and was instrumental in establishing the HOPE (helping other people eat) garden. Maye’s acts of service extended far into the community and beyond through her work with the Church’s Thrift Shop, Second Harvest, Gleaners and other groups. A celebration of life service will take place at St. Andrew’s Salmon Arm June 14th at 10:30 am.

April Loonie Offering will be going to The Second Harvest Food Bank (click here to find out more about Second Harvest)


Second Harvest Food Bank is a food program that embodies the principle of “those who have more than they need sharing with those who have less.” Food is provided from the four main food groups and we have a special milk program for families with children. No government funding is received, so the operation relies on generous donations of food and cash from the community. At present, approximately 2000 needy families are being served each week who would otherwise have to do without.

Second Harvest Food Bank
Our Location

We’re located near the rear entrance of the Salmar Classic Theatre (360 Alexander St. N.E.), accessible from the Ross St. parking lot.

Click here for map.

March’s Loonie Offering will be going to the Shuswap Hospice Society. To learn how you can support them please click here


“The Shuswap Hospice Society supports those who are dealing with death, diagnosis and grief along with the associated emotional realities of that process. We provide compassionate care to those living with a life-limiting illness, as well as grief and bereavement support to the families and friends of those who have lost loved ones, caregivers, and anyone impacted by diagnosis or loss.”

To donate through St. Andrew’s send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to: standrews1981@outlook.com. Please mark your donations as “March Loonie Offering” or simply “Hospice”. If you wish to learn more, volunteer, or give directly to the Shuswap Hospice Society please click here.

February’s Loonie Offering is going to go to the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue. This group relies totally on donations to fund their equipment and activities. To see how you can help click here


To Quote their webpage: (https://shuswapvsar.org/)

“Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue (SVSAR) is a group of dedicated, enthusiastic, trained individuals. We assist the RCMP, BC Ambulance Service, local Fire Departments and the Coroner by responding to emergency calls in both urban and wilderness settings.

Our mission is to locate lost and injured persons, assist them, and transport them to safety.”

To give directly to the Shuswap Volunteer Search and Rescue, follow this link: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/12580

To donate through St. Andrew’s send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to: standrews1981@outlook.com. Please mark your donations as Loonie Offering.

January’s Loonie Offering will go to the “Shuswap Community Foundation Emergency Response Fund”. This fund will help communities in the Shuswap affected by the 2023 wildfires. Click her for more info.

To donate through St. Andrew’s send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to: standrews1981@outlook.com. Please mark your donations as Loonie Offering.

to give directly to the fund use the info at the bottom of this page.


Support local communities affected by the Bush Creek East wildfire in North Shuswap.

The SCF Emergency Response Fund is a dedicated fundraising campaign to support the communities affected by the Bush Creek East wildfire in North Shuswap. This initiative will provide assistance to community-based organizations during this time of crisis, helping the community recover and rebuild in the face of this disaster.

The Bush Creek East wildfire has caused widespread devastation, displacing families, damaging homes, and disrupting lives. Recognizing the need for coordinated support, the Shuswap Community Foundation has initiated this fund to provide aid where it matters most.

The fund focuses on aiding community organizations in addressing the more prolonged needs of disaster-affected areas in our home region of the Shuswap, such as sustained food security and shelter, as well as community recovery.

SASCU Will Match up to $25,000 in Donations

The Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union (SASCU) has partnered with Shuswap Community Foundation and dedicated $25,000 to match donations made to the Emergency Response Fund through a dedicated account.

  1. You donate
  2. SASCU doubles your donation
  3. Together we rebuild the Shuswap

“In times like these, community is what holds us together. The work will continue after the wildfires being fought today are extinguished. Join us in the effort toward recovery right here at home.”

— Barry Delaney, SASCU President & Chief Executive Officer

How to Donate

Donations can be made by e-transfer, cheque, in person at any SASCU branch, or online through CanadaHelps:


The simplest (and preferred) way to donate is by sending e-transfer to:

Recipient: info@shuswapfoundation.ca
Memo: SCF Emergency Response Fund

A security question is not required (funds will be auto-deposited).

Send a Cheque

Donations may be made by sending a cheque to:

Shuswap Community Foundation
102 – 160 Harbourfront Drive NE
Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N7

Cheques should be payable to “Shuswap Community Foundation“ and include “SCF Emergency Response Fund” in the memo field.

Visit a SASCU Branch

You can make a donation to the “SCF Emergency Response Fund” account at any Salmon Arm Savings and Credit Union (SASCU) branch.

Find a Branch

Receipts for taxation purposes can be provided by taking your deposit receipt to the Shuswap Community Foundation office or emailing a copy to info@shuswapfoundation.ca.


Donations can be made securely and conveniently through the CanadaHelps online platform.

Donate Via CanadaHelps

*Donations made through the CanadaHelps online platform cannot be matched by SASCU. A 3.5% administration fee is charged by CanadaHelps.

Receipts eligible for taxation purposes can be provided.


Decembers Loonie Offering is going to the SAFE House. We hope you will help out by either donating directly or through St. Andrew’s for more info click here.

To donate directly to the SAFE House or see other ways you can help, click here to go to their site.

To donate through St. Andrew’s send your donations to; St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1981 9th Ave. NE, Salmon Arm BC, V1E 2L2 or e-transfer to: standrews1981@outlook.com. Please mark your donations as Loonie Offering.

November’s Loonie Offering is going to The Salvation Army Lighthouse Ministries in Salmon Arm. We will designate the offering to their Christmas program that provides people assistance with some of the extra costs that occur around the holidays. For more info click here

 The Salvation Army

Salmon Arm Ministries

Every year The Salvation Army in Salmon Arm offers assistance with some of the extra costs that occur around the holidays.
If you or someone you know could use some help with those special holiday meals, or toys for children sixteen and under,                                                    please fill out our Christmas form.
Please ensure forms have been filled out by December 10. If you have questions or require assistance please visit us at the Lighthouse Community Ministries, Monday-Friday from 9:00-2:00