Be sure to sign up for the Irish dinner coming up on March 18th, All are welcome so bring a friend and enjoy good food and fellowship. See you there!
The Presbyterian Church in Canada national office is excited to launch PCConnection newspaper this spring, a fun and informative newspaper that will help connect Presbyterians from coast to coast. This free Christian publication will keep you inspired, demonstrating our faith in action. Please subscribe by going to the national church website at
Today the Children’s Choir provided special music for us, on this third Sunday of Advent. To hear them click here!AgOlwU12BLTkh1SXkfCcvHzxel1L
Today Dec. 1st, we at St. Andrew’s officially kick off the beginning of our search for a new Minister. We are excited to see where God will lead us with the person of His calling. The Church’s profile can be found by clicking on the link at the bottom of the “Welcome” page.
Praise the Lord! Presbytery has approved our application the proceed with the process to begin a call for a half-time minister; they also approved our application for funding from the sale of the Armstrong Church.
More exciting news: St Andrew’s will be seeking Presbytery’s approval, to begin the process to call a half-time minister. What has changed? Find out more by (clicking here).!AgOlwU12BLTkhmurczlhtFSCvQ0w
St.Andrew’s is extremely pleased to welcome Natalia Stoney to the position of Music Director. Natalia brings with her a wealth of music knowledge and a keen spirit to accept this challenge. Natalia will begin her position with immediate effect. Children’s Choir will begin (not as posted on the calendar) Sept. 13th at 3pm – 4pm. Welcome Natalia and God bless.
Today St. Andrews’ welcomed retired minister and active elder Rev. Shirley Cochrane back to the pulpit. We all appreciate Shirley’s willingness to step into the breech and lead us in worship. It was also a treat to have Andrews’ sister Sophia at the piano today; thank you Sophia and may God bless you as you head to Montreal, for further studies, this fall.
Where has the summer gone? It is hard to believe that this Sunday (Aug. 21) will be Roberto’s last Sunday with us; we have very much appreciated his ministry as a summer student. We feel so blessed by Roberto’s ministry, leadership and encouragement. We will also be saying farewell to our music director, Andrew Stoney, this Sunday. We all extend a big thank you to Andrew for all the work and effort that you have brought to the table, you will be missed by all of us but even more so by the Children’s Choir. We all pray that God will bless both Roberto and Andrew as they go for further studies; Roberto to VST for his last year and Andrew to Trinity Western to further his studies. So please come and help us thank and send off these two fine young men this Sunday.